Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Support Small Businesses Throughout The Coronavirus Pandemic.

July 13, 2020 by  
Filed under Health, Money/Business, Weekly Columns

( Covid-19 has had a tragic impact on millions of people worldwide, and health workers are still bravely fighting to defeat the virus. In addition to those afflicted with the disease, coronavirus has also had a dramatic effect on small businesses nationwide. Many companies have collapsed entirely, while others are struggling to stay afloat. Although things are changing all the time, many small businesses are still closed, and others are beginning a phased reopening. But what’s true for almost all of these businesses is that the next few months will be a struggle. 

These are uncertain times, and many people are still hesitant to go out in public for non-essential activities. This means restaurants, bars, gyms, and shops will have to work a lot harder to maintain positive cash flow

It is important to support small businesses because they are essential to the economy. They bring growth and innovation, create employment, and provide much-needed support to local communities and neighborhoods. Although the government will give some relief to small businesses, their continued existence is ultimately up to the general public. To help in the fight, there are several things you can do to support your local businesses.

Shop locally

When you need a new book, item of clothing, or gift for a loved one, most people just head to Amazon and find the cheapest deals on almost anything. But Amazon, and other big corporations, are not struggling to stay afloat in light of the pandemic. Your local businesses, however, are. You will often have to spend a little more money, but it will be worth it for the feeling of doing your bit for your community. Buy your reading material at independent bookstores, shop for clothes at small outlets, and get your laptop fixed at a local repair shop such as Nerd2Go top rated computer repairs. If you are concerned about visiting a store in person, many small businesses have adapted to the new circumstances by opening up online delivery services.

Order takeout

Even if you’ve become a master chef during the lockdown, a takeaway meal is a nice treat now and then. Many restaurants and bars are still offering food to take away, so take a night off from cooking and enjoy a delicious dinner while supporting a local business.

Buy gift cards

Even though many businesses remain closed for the foreseeable future, many still sell gift cards and vouchers online. You may not be able to get a haircut at your local barber right now, but you can still give them some money and redeem your coupon at a later date. 

Tip generously

Service workers are working harder than ever and are more at risk due to their frequent contact with the public. They are facing uncertain wages and few benefits, so leaving them a bit more money is an excellent way to show your support. Tip online or by card if possible to avoid the spread of germs.

Leave good reviews

Many people are struggling financially right now, so if you are not in a position to spend money, you can still do your bit by leaving good reviews of a local business online. Reach out via social media, and leave your opinion on sites like Google or TripAdvisor. This will give them a head start once the economy kickstarts and as well as some much-needed positive encouragement.

Staff Writer; Carl Brown

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