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5 Jobs to Consider if You Want to Work and Travel.

October 9, 2020 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

( Many people wish they could work and travel simultaneously, as statistics indicate that there are 21 million global travellers who want to earn a living while traveling. Research from the University of Helsinki indicates that going on a trip can improve your work productivity and help you live longer. What if there were jobs that can cater to your varying degrees of wanderlust while giving you a decent paycheck monthly? Indeed, many of these jobs exist, and here are five of them to consider if you want to make a decent living while traveling and sight-seeing.


  • Teaching English As a Second Language (TESL)


TESL has fast become an exciting prospect for people with a desire to explore the world through work. According to the British Council, there are more than 1.5 billion English language learners around the globe. Statistics also indicate about two hundred and fifty thousand native English speakers working abroad in over 40,000 schools and language centres globally. The demand for English teachers abroad is also constant because tutors typically return to their home countries after a year or two. Therefore, an estimated 100,000 slots open abroad for English teachers annually. The requirements for TESL are a Bachelor’s Degree, specific training in TESL, and a license. Therefore, you should consider TESL as a way to earn good money while immersing yourself in diverse cultures.


  • Join an Airline or Cruise Ship Staff


Working in the aviation industry is one of the most viable options for people looking to work while simultaneously traveling. Research from the Air Transport Action Group indicates that the global aviation sector supports about 65.5 million jobs.  Out of this number, roughly 3.6 million people are airline staff. Data from Statista in 2019 showed that there were about 245,700 active flight attendants in the US alone. Being a flight attendant requires some experience in customer service and certification that proves you have undergone formal training. The same is true for the non-technical staff of cruise ships; vessels require high maintenance and a crew to provide various hospitality services. Demand for crew members is therefore steady, and you should consider taking advantage of this. The decent pay, numerous perks, and the chance to see many places are reasons you should consider these jobs. 


  • Become A Truck Driver


Data from the United States Census Bureau reveals that over 3.5 million people are working as truck drivers. Driving delivery trucks and large trailers is also one of the largest occupations in the US. Truck drivers get to see many places because of their work’s extensive nature, which takes them to many locations both locally and internationally. Truck drivers are also in demand, given that trucks transport a reported two-thirds of America’s freight. Many truck drivers get guaranteed pay at Tri-State Motor Transport, which is evident that it’s a lucrative industry. Being a truck driver requires a commercial driving license, but once you obtain it, there are few better ways of traveling and seeing than from behind the wheels of a long-haul truck as you deliver shipments from place to place.


  • Join the Foreign Service


Becoming a Foreign Service Officer is a great way to experience the much sought-after work-travel dynamic. Your job will differ based on your unit – but whatever the case is, you will be advancing your country’s interests abroad in diverse ways. The State Department lists career tracks like Consular Affairs, Public Diplomacy, and Management Affairs as available to people for their consideration, depending on their interests. However, whatever your choice may be, you will serve in one of over two hundred and seventy embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions globally. Requirements for work in the Foreign Service range from no college degree to a master’s degree, depending on your application choice. The opportunity to serve your country, travel, and earn money while doing so should be a strong consideration for you if you wish to work while traveling.


  • Become an International Tour Guide


Studies conducted by The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) indicate that there are 1.4 billion international arrivals annually. In 2019, global tourism directly contributed a whopping $2.9 trillion to GDP. Tourism is a vibrant industry, both locally and internationally. Working in this industry as a guide can prove to be a very fulfilling and rewarding career. You get to live in foreign countries, meet different kinds of people and learn about new places- all while making money, of course.

Staff Writer; Paul Carter

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