Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Things To Remember When You Live In A Remote Location.

March 16, 2021 by  
Filed under Health, Weekly Columns

( When it comes to living remotely, there are so many huge advantages to it. You can feel cut off from the outside world and feel closer to nature. It may involve you growing your own food, and enjoying being “off the grid” when it comes to communication and technology. However, there can be some drawbacks, especially during the winter months. But it doesn’t have to be that way, with some preparation in advance you can still make remote living work for you. Here are some of the things to think about. 

Make sure you have a decent stock of food and water

As the weather gets colder and the nights are longer, you may start to see that it is the ideal time to get a decent stock of food and water for those bad weather days. You may have been comfortable living off the land, but when the weather turns in the winter, it won’t be offering up much of a harvest. Tinned foods, batch cooking and freezing items, and also having a good stock of bottled water just in case the water supply freezes up will be advisable and a good idea. The earlier you start to stock up, the less impact it will have on your budget.

Protect your property so heating and water supplies still work

Winter means cold and icy weather, fact. So you may need to start thinking about how you can help and protect your property from the elements. Also meaning that you are less likely to avoid heating issues and frozen pipes for a water supply. When it comes to exterior pipes, and adding an extra layer of foam around the outside can ensure that the temperatures don’t decrease as low as it could. Heating pipework can also benefit from the added insulation. Moreover, considering a reliable heating fuel supplier like Bucks County Fuel can be essential in maintaining a warm and comfortable environment in your home during the harsh winter months.

Ensure that your location can still be accessed 

Many people who imagine or olive off the grid, will want to be in a property that does have remote access. You won’t want passers by, you will want to be close to nature and out of the way. But when the snow and ice makes it arrivals throughout the winter months, you do still need to be able to have access to the outside world for supplies and maybe even your job etc. It might also be worth having extra resources such as GPS antennas that can help transmit satellite navigation for you, or even transmit signals so that you can make emergency contact should you need to. It would also be worth looking into home alarms that will keep your family safe. If you are in a remote location, an alarm can help to keep you as safe as possible, especially if your home is not easily accessible by emergency services if your home is intruded upon.

Consider alternative fuel methods to keep warm 

Finally, heating is going to be the utmost importance in the heart of winter, and if you have no other option than a standard heating system with a boiler, you could be leaving yourself stuck. This is when alternative heating methods may be worthwhile installing. It could be a wood burning stove or an open fireplace. You can stock up your wood supply from a company such as Firewood Farm, which then, in turn, can be used to heat your home in the traditional sense, as well as cooking and heating water if needed. 

Let’s hope this has made you more confident in living remotely and how it could work during the winter months.

Staff Writer; Roy Walker

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