President Joe Biden’s deadly inaction on the border crisis.

( Texas Gov. Greg Abbott – a Republican – doesn’t mince words. He is more than unhappy about the invasion of his state by illegal aliens crossing the Texas border with Mexico. He calls it an “invasion,” and he plans to put an end to it.

According to a report in the Blaze Media, he outlined his belief that President Biden has abandoned his responsibility to enforce immigration laws, and as a result Abbott plans to take matters into his own hands. He plans to use the power he has under the U.S. and Texas constitutions to “suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions.”

So what does that mean? Abbott will deploy the National Guard as well as the Texas Department of Public Safety to repel and turn back illegal immigrants. In addition, he will build a border wall, deploy gun boats to secure the border, designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, enter into agreements with other states and foreign powers to enhance border security and provide resources to border counties to support their efforts.

To an outsider it sounds as though what the governor plans to do is what should have been done all along to reduce the ongoing problem of illegals crossing the border on a regular basis.

texas border

What is shocking to many is that Abbott’s announcement comes at the same time Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas told the House Committee on Homeland Security that “the border is secure.” This is the same opinion of Vice President Kamala Harris, who has virtually ignored the issue even though she was assigned the responsibility to deal with the border problems.

Despite this, it’s reported that Christopher Wray, FBI director, paints a different picture of the situation: “What I would say is that we see significant criminal threats coming from south of the border – whether it’s guns, drugs, money, violence.”

Touche. And this while the number of drug deaths in this country from smuggled killer drugs increases exponentially.

Available figures show that the Biden administration allowed nearly 200,000 illegals into the U.S. in October alone. From February 2021 to August 2022, 1.35 million illegals were allowed into American communities across the country. Data show that over 2.76 million illegal aliens crossed into the United States during fiscal year 2022.

Many of these people brought crime with them. Read it and weep.

So far this year, there have been 1,142 criminal noncitizens convicted of assault.

In addition:

  • 1,614 were convicted of driving under the influence;
  • 62 convicted of homicide;
  • 365 convicted of sexual offenses;
  • And thousands more convicted of other crimes across the country.

Don’t we have enough crimes committed by Americans? Why are we allowing illegals to get into our country so easily and commit more crimes against our own citizens?

Why isn’t there outrage from the White House and resolve to deal with this problem?

Why doesn’t Congress speak out – NO, SHOUT OUT – that this must stop?!

In July, the United Nations’ International Organization for Migration declared the United States southern border with Mexico under President Biden is “the deadliest land crossing in the world.”

Funny, I don’t hear Joe Biden bragging about that designation. Not that he should. It is shameful and dangerous and getting worse. At this point, Biden’s isn’t doing anything about it – but, oh yes, he is doing something related. His office of Refugee Resettlement just ordered that illegal-immigrant children in federal custody must be allowed access to abortions – including being moved to states that are “abortion friendly.”

Forgive me for prying, but I wonder if Joe confesses that when he goes to Confession – “good Catholic” that he claims to be.

Columnist; Barbara Simpson

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