Thursday, July 25, 2024

New Website Offers Rescue Kit for Women

March 20, 2007 by  
Filed under News

New York, NY ( – In today’s world where divorce is more the norm for African American women rather than the exception, it seems like group hysteria prevails. The founder of the Divorce Tactics for Women Kit and the website, Gloria Jean, is a lifestyle coach for women. She has expertise in helping women making improvements and adjustments in their lives that they have been unable to achieve on their own. The Divorce Tactics for Women Kit includes a full litany of tactics and techniques to use along with a fully detailed laid out plan to follow.

Gloria Jean said, “So many minority women are getting divorced and quite suddenly ending up in poverty. Many of these women are left in debt some are facing homelessness with all the sudden bills mounting up. They come to my website looking for advice and empathy and I give them that plus a roadmap called Divorce Tactics for Women Kit. The kit is full of everything they need not to end up a victim of divorce.” 

If there is someone in your life whom you’re concerned about their future, like your mother or a good friend, you may want to get the kit for them. It’s a guide for married women everywhere concerned about their future, rich and poor alike. Divorce just seems to be the equal opportunity destroyer of women’s lives. Minority women traditionally are hit harder than non-minorities. However destruction of a life is the same no matter who you are.

Gloria Jean said, “This kit is a reminder that the man you married is not the man you divorce. Any woman who is married needs this kit. The kit could save not just the woman’s life but it helps protect the lives of their children.”

Even if you think you are happily married, it always pays to be prepared. For $20 you can log onto the site and get the help you need. It’s like an inexpensive insurance policy and you never know exactly when or if you or someone you love will need it. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands but get the divorce kit for a rainy day.

For information: log onto or call the 24 hour rec Info line at (212) 479-7334. You can also send a $20 money order for your kit to: Ask A Friend, 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite #D234, New York, NY 10001

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