Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Partners For Africa Program ( Bringing African Americans Closer To Africa

July 14, 2007 by  
Filed under Africa, News

Alexandria, VA ( – Partners in Development (PID) has launched a new initiative with the objective of developing partnerships between African-Americans and African organizations working in the critical area of HIV/AIDS in eight sub-Saharan countries in Africa. The Project is also launching the Experience Africa Newsletter. The project, which commenced in January of 2007 is funded by a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Michigan and will be implemented over a two-year period.

The Partners for Africa (PFA) Program is an educational and philanthropic initiative that seeks to raise general awareness about various African countries, while also providing opportunities for African-Americans to get involved in supporting HIV/AIDS projects in Africa. The program focus is on supporting African organizations that are assisting women and children, who are currently suffering in huge numbers and disproportionately affected as a result of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The PFA Program is establishing a fund for each of the nonprofit organizations in the eight countries of Rwanda, South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Ethiopia, Uganda, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Swaziland. Through the PFA Fund, PID will support these indigenous organizations to scale up their activities.

Financing for the Fund will be raised primarily through membership dues. We are asking visitors to our website to become members of our program. As a member of the PFA program, you will receive the monthly “Experience Africa” newsletter that profiles:

* Famous figures and leaders from Africa

* Ancient civilizations

* Books about Africa

* Music from Africa (artists and CDs)

* Working in Africa

* Investment opportunities in Africa

You will also have access to our discussion forum where you can network and exchange views about Africa with like-minded members. Through membership you will learn more about Africa as you support the fight against HIV/AIDS!

For further information and to register to become a member of The PFA Program please visit the project website at Learn more about the “African” in African American.

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