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Biggest Blockbusters On The Way In 2016.

March 18, 2016 by  
Filed under Entertainment, Money/Business, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) Until I saw the film release calendar for 2016, I wasn’t sure blockbusters existed anymore. For those of you don’t know, a blockbuster wasn’t just a profitable film. It was film that caused people to literally queue around the block to go see it. You would go to the cinema and have to wait for half an hour to get a ticket. If you even got in in the first place. On the rare occasion, you’ll get a film that releases and is sold out. But you don’t often see people queuing around the block for tickets anymore. There’s two reasons for this. The first is that the way we buy tickets has changed. Blockbusters used to occur on opening night. Now, if you want to buy a ticket for opening night then you book online like any sensible person. As well as this, cinemas just aren’t as popular as they used to be. More and more people are simply waiting to watch movies on netflix.

Yet I’m happy to tell you the movie releases this year do promise quite a few potential blockbusters. Here are some of the ones that could cause a stir.

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

If you’ve been following the news lately, y2016-blockbusterFilms-2016ou might be aware that there’s quite a lot of buzz around this release. People have argued against the choices in casting and complained the trailers showed too much. They’ve wondered what a bad box office could mean for WB’s plans for future DC comics films. Some people have even suggested it needs to make a billion to stay profitable. But with a huge advance ticket sale the film is on its way to make two hundred million in the states and up to four hundred world wide on the opening weekend. If that happens, it will be well on its way to breaking a billion, no sweat. That’s good news for Warner Bro’s and guarantees this could be the first blockbuster of the year. The only bump in the road that could cause a stumble would be bad reviews and bad word of mouth. So far, the reception has been positive.

Captain America: Civil War

You’re going to notice a trend here. Like it or lump it, it’s the comic book movies that are making bank right now. They’re insanely popular and apparently here to say. At least judging by the fact the Civil War trailer is now the most popular movie trailer on Twitter. Civil War is more an avengers film than a solo superhero outing so you can bet this one will break a billion. Particularly since it will be the MCU introduction of Spiderman. Check out his impressive debut on https://www.youtube.com.

X-Men: Apocalypse

X Men: Apocalypse doesn’t have the same buzz surrounding it as the other two comic book movies on this list. We’ll see what happens after the latest trailer is released today. But it does have one of the most popular and the highest paid actress in the world. You can check out exactly how much she made last year on http://justrichest.com. Jennifer Lawrence always puts bums in seats and the latest X-Men should be no different. With her in the lead and an all-star Cast X-Men could be the third blockbuster this year.

Finding Dory

Finally, something completely different. The long awaited sequel to one of pixar’s most popular films, Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo made a massive amount of money and was beloved by audiences and critics alike. If the sequel gets a positive reception I can see this becoming one of the biggest animated releases of all time. Though it certainly has it’s work cut out to match the massive box office of Frozen.

Staff Writer; Charles Moore

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