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Essential Tips for Anyone Opening a Store.

April 27, 2016 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) These days, it’s common for most entrepreneurs to start their stores online. There are still many benefits of starting and running a physical store though. The challenges that come with it often but people off, but if you’re thinking of taking the plunge, here are some essential tips for you.

Invest in the Best Technology

Technology is essential in any physical store these days. You can’t expect the sales process to go smoothly if your employees are using a till that looks like it is decades old. You can find checkout tech at sites like http://www.intelligentretail.com.au/. You should also invest in other forms of technology that make your job easier. For example, some stores have employees who walk around the store with tablets. They can then browse the sales options as they talk to Black man standing in coffee shopcustomers on the shop floor. It’s a great way of interacting with customers.

Offer Service with a Smile

Simple smiling at your customers will make a big difference to your sales performance. Your employees need to know how to deal with people in a way that is positive and open. So, don’t be one of those shop owners whose employees always look bored and uninterested in the customers. This will simply cause people to turn away and find somewhere else to buy things, and that’s not what you want. Small gestures matter a lot when you are starting out and trying to keep your shop in business and making a profit. So, be friendly, offer a smile and take a genuine interest in the needs of the customer.

Arrange Your Products Logically and Intuitively

How you arrange the layout of your products in the store makes a big difference to how well they sell. People don’t like to view products in a shop in which the products are set out in a confusing or illogical manner. There is also a subconscious element to this. Our eyes are attracted to items that stand out from their surroundings. You need to take all of these things into consideration. Make it easy to find what each person might be looking for. And group together certain items that are relevant to one another. These are very simple ideas, but they will make a real difference. You can find out more about this at sites like http://www.realsimple.com.

Stay On Top of Security Issues

Security is a big deal when you run a physical store. When you only run a business online, you just have to think about payment security and preventing hacks. But the security challenges you will face when you are running a physical store are entirely different. If you are selling expensive, high-end goods, it might even be necessary to hire an in-store security guard. They would spot trouble and keep your stock safe from thieves. If that’s not necessary for your store, you should still have CCTV cameras in operation, and have a security system on the doors. That way, an alarm will be raised when someone tries to leave the store without paying for a product.

Staff Owner; Greg Love

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