Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Getting Ahead In The Craft Beer Industry.

May 9, 2016 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) The craft beer industry has enjoyed a meteoric rise in recent years, and there is a world of opportunity for entrepreneurs to explore. So, if you have ever felt the desire to create a beer and start a legitimate business, why not give it go? Here are some pointers to get you started in the right direction.

Get some experience

The first step is to get to know what it is like to create beer on a large scale. Sure, you can brew a few litres in your shed, but transferring the process to large scale production is going to be tough. See if there are any microbreweries or local beer producers in your community. Ask if you can go and see their processes, or even offer your services, either paid or unpaid. The experience you pick up will be vital, and it will give you valuable insight into the entire process.

Refine your beerBlackPeople-microbreweries-2016

While you are getting experience at a brewery, see what you can come up with at home. It’s important to create something unique, to use as a selling point. For example, some small breweries use different ingredients to flavor their beer. You can be as wild or wacky as you like – some brewers might even use nettles. The main aim is to get the taste just right and ensure that other people like it, too. Get friends and family around for tasting sessions.

Apply for a permit

You can’t sell alcohol without a permit – so make sure you have a license from your state, and from the United States Tax and Trade Bureau. Check with the National Beer Wholesalers Association to make sure you tick off all your legal boxes.

Ramp up your production

Once you have your licenses and the perfect tasting beer, it’s time to increase your production. If you have space to do it at home, go for it. Otherwise, you might want to look at finding premises elsewhere. The most important things to consider are the equipment you use. You’ll need clean, metal containers, thermometers, hydrometers, and bottles to store your product. There are some excellent brewing equipment guides out there, so check them out before getting started.

Keep it clean

While creating your brewery, make sure that everything is clean – and stays that way. Sanitation is vital, as any contamination will affect your product – and it could lead to making people ill. Companies such as Techsouth, Inc., create welding and piping products that ensure cleanliness. Keep sanitation at the top of your mind, and your brewing will be a lot more consistent.

Create your brand

With so much competition out there, a strong brand is essential. Take a look at the likes of Brewdog for a good example of an excellent marketing campaign. Think about your beer, how you made it, and what is different to the rest of the beers on the market. Once you find your difference, the marketing message will be a lot easier to develop.

Do you have any experience with brewing your own beer? Let us know about it in the comments section below!

Staff Writer; Charles Moore

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