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Summer Sports To Try Now: No Gym Membership Required.

June 1, 2016 by  
Filed under Health, Sports, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) Summer is coming, and many of us want to get fit without spending hours within the confines of a sweaty gym. If you’re looking for workouts with a difference, here are some ideas.


Tennis is the ultimate in summer sports sophistication. It has a reputation for being dainty and elegant, but it’s actually fast-paced and frantic. It’s also really hard work, especially if you’re playing singles. Playing tennis works every major muscle group and it’s a great cardio workout. It’s also a sociable sport, and you can enjoy the open air. If you’re interested in playing tennis, search online for local courts. If you want to play on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to find out about club membership.


If you’ve had a stressful day at work, nothing will make you feel 2016-BlackMan-Baseballplayer-mlb-diversitybetter than smashing some balls and stretching your legs. Baseball is physically demanding, but it’s also great fun. You’ll meet new people, and you can make the most of warm, hazy evenings. If you’re a novice, check out sites like http://www.baseballcoachingtips.net/. These tips will help you hone your batting and fielding skills.


If it’s boiling outside, there’s nothing better than a cool dip in an outdoor pool. Swimming is suitable for all ages, and it’s a fantastic way of increasing your fitness and stamina. If you want to do lengths, rather than paddling around at leisure, look into adult-only sessions at your local pool.

Yoga and Pilates

If you’re up for exercising in the great outdoors, yoga and Pilates are excellent options. You can do them anywhere you like. All you need is a mat and some peace and quiet. Head to the beach at sunrise or go to the park after work. These forms of exercise are particularly beneficial if you suffer from stress, or you have sleeping problems. They help to relax your mind, as well as increasing your flexibility and improving muscle tone. You can read more about the health benefits of yoga at http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/a-z/yoga-workouts.

Boot camp fitness

If you’re looking for an al fresco alternative to hardcore gym workouts, look no further than boot camp fitness sessions. Based on military-style training, you’ll be pushing tyres, pulling ropes and scaling walls before you know it. This is an intense workout, which will provide both cardio and strength training. It’s not for the faint-hearted, but if you stick to it, you’ll soon reap the rewards. You can sign up for regular sessions or book yourself in for retreats, which usually last between one and four weeks.

If you’re looking to get fit or stay active this summer, you don’t have to sign up for a gym. There are loads of different sporting activities you can try, and many offer the chance to get out into the great outdoors. Join a team, sign up for some outdoor classes or book some lessons. Challenge yourself, have fun, and you’ll notice positive differences in your mental and physical health in no time.

Staff Writer; Chuck Brown

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