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Make Your Business Premises The Best They Can Be!

June 17, 2016 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) Although it is possible these days to do business from home, the importance of business premises is still clear. If you have a business that can be run out of your home office, and you never see a customer, that’s fine. However, for many businesses such as restaurants and some shops, a physical location is still a necessity.

Your business premises are the public face of your company. When people pay you a visit, the first thing they will see is the physical condition of the building. If the location is in poor repair, it reflects badly on you and your business and it can lead to a loss of custom. So if you have a business that relies on walk-in custom, there are things you need to keep in mind.

  1. Rustic Charm Is Good, Falling Down Is Not.11-womanblack-businessowner

The brickwork of the outside of your location is important. If you are fortunate enough to have a premises that looks finely aged, then it is charming and attractive. If however the brickwork is crumbling and there are holes in the mortar, it’s like greeting your customer on the doorstep with a nosebleed. They’re going to think your business is not serious. They will go elsewhere.

  1. Get It Right From The Ground Up

The moment someone steps in to your premises, they’ll take in what they see around them. This includes the floor of the property, as people are prone to look down as they make their way around.

If your business is as successful as you want it to be, there’ll be a lot of feet on that floor – feet that have just come in from the street. Good commercial flooring needs to be hard wearing and attractive. It really makes an impression if it’s not – particularly if the floor is unsafe.

  1. Keep The Windows Spotlessly Clean

Busy businesses attract people and, without being a germophobe, people will bring grime with them. People breathe, people touch things, people carry items that knock into other things. This is just what happens when you have living beings in a building. They leave marks.

These marks aren’t always noticeable on a wall or on ornaments, but they’ll be immediately obvious on windows. Windows are made to be see-through. If they’re not clean then they’re not clear, and smeared windows create a bad impression. Oh, and it builds up, too. So people will be able to tell if your windows aren’t cleaned often.

Look, it’s a well-worn fact that time ages everything. There is a difference between time-worn edifices and ones that have just been left to become derelict. People can tell the difference, so you don’t need to repaint every month.

What IS important is that you make any repairs that need to be made swiftly. If your floor is in disrepair, it will cost you more to lose business to people with better premises than it does to get it replaced. Thinking long-term is simply good business sense, so just do what needs to be done and reap the benefit.

Staff Writer; Todd Trump

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