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Common STDs: Do You Know What To Look For?

August 11, 2016 by  
Filed under Health, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comYou’re probably well aware that certain medical conditions can interfere with a person’s sexual health. Heart disease, obesity and diabetes can all seriously hinder your life in the bedroom. However, even relatively healthy people are susceptible to common STDs. Suffering from one of these conditions isn’t a pleasant thought, but if and when you get one, you’ll obviously want to know. Here’s an overview of the symptoms of some common infections.


This is one of the most common STDs out there, which is a scary concept because it can often be totally symptomless. The name itselftreatment-std-at-office-2016 comes from the Greek word “chlamys” which means “to cloak”. While not everyone will get symptoms, there are occasionally signs to look out for. Both men and women may experience a sharp pain when urinating. Men may experience testicular pain, or a thin, white discharge emanating from the penis. Women may go through abnormally heavy periods, or bleed after sex. Again, don’t think that just because you’re not experiencing any of these symptoms that you’re off the hook. As the name suggests, (to Greeks, anyway), chlamydia is symptomless in about 50% of men and 80% of women. If you’re sexually active, it’s often a good idea to go for same day STD testing fairly regularly.



This condition was the most common STD in the US for some time, before a nationwide health campaign managed to reverse the spread. However, it’s still fairly prevalent, and can cause infertility, so it’s important to be aware of. In women, gonorrhea is characterised by a yellow-green discharge from the vagina, and slightly heavier periods. Men get a similar discharge from the penis, along with sore and inflamed foreskin. Some may experience testicular pain as well. Pain while urinating has been reported in both sexes too. Like chlamydia, gonorrhea can sometimes be totally undetectable, but this is fairly rare. Only 10% of men don’t experience symptoms, compared to 50% of women. For the women reading this, you’ll have to be a little more vigilant.


While this disease is nowhere near as common as it has been, tens of thousands of Americans still contract it every year. While not as common as the other two I’ve listed, syphilis can potentially be a lot more serious if it’s left to develop. This STD comes in stages; primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary syphilis, appears as a small sore on the genitals, which usually disappears within two to four weeks. Secondary symptoms appear as a rash, and wart-like growths near the vagina and anus, along with various symptoms fairly similar to flu. The tertiary stage is where things become serious, and the need for treatment becomes urgent. Untreated syphilis will eventually damage the nervous system, bones, blood vessels and strokes. It’s very rare for patients to recover with no medical attention, so make sure you know how to identify syphilis in its primary stage.

There you have the symptoms of three of the most common STDs. Hopefully this post has made you more vigilant, and hasn’t put you off eating for a week!

Staff Writer; Charlotte Dean

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