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The Tech Revolution In The Construction Sector.

August 11, 2016 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comThe construction sector is in the middle of a tech revolution. From the apps we can now carry around in our pockets to aerial drones being used for mapping and surveying, technology has had a massive impact on the construction industry. 3D imaging and digital blueprints have allowed us to plan out every last part of a project before a single brick is lain, and the advent of robotic is just around the corner. Here are some of the most significant ways technology is changing construction.

Firstly, construction management software. The modern standard of task management software has become a hugely invaluable resource for construction companies. Firms are now able to monitor the blackman-2016-buildingprogress of sites in real time, and keep everyone involved in a project informed on the actual progress versus scheduled targets. Building information management systems, or BIM, ties all of these functions in with 3D building plans, which project managers can check on from any device they want. If more and more construction firms start integrating this with their work, it has the potential to totally revolutionise prefabrication in the construction sector. This will lead to more of a project being done in a manufacturing environment, and fewer workers being needed on the actual site.

Another big piece of tech that’s changing construction is drones. We’re seeing more and more of these great little gadgets whizzing through the air, and being incorporated into a wide range of industries. The construction sector is certainly no exception. Drones are being used on projects all over the world to survey and map an area. The value is inherent in their ability to go where people and other kinds of machinery can’t. This allows foremen and managers to see the project developing in real time, and making changes depending on what they see in the drone footage. When you have material like this on-hand, it’s easier to compare it to schedules and blueprints, note deviations, and deal with them more efficiently. Introducing drones to any construction project invariably saves time, money, and even materials.

Finally, blueprinting applications. Ten years ago, you’d walk into a site office and see countless files and documents covering the place. Today, all of that has been reduced into one manageable tablet with modern blueprinting software. Through mobile devices that can be used on-site and off, it’s now easier than ever for project managers to oversee blueprints, and make changes with a few taps on the screen. Before any actual work is done, managers are able to pick out any possible obstacles, and tweak the current plans accordingly. Before the advent of these great programs, the smallest bit of negligence could cost a firm massive amounts of capital having to fix issues after they’ve occurred. Many blueprinting apps also incorporate a communication interface. This means that the owner, project managers, and other staff can be kept in the loop 24/7. The introduction of blueprinting tech has already saved construction firms millions, and will only become more popular with time.

Staff Writer; Peter Caines

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