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Challenges You Face Caring For An Elderly Parent.

September 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Health, Money/Business, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comThe world works in mysterious ways and most of the time operates in cycles. A brilliant example of this is the state we’re in when we enter the world and when we leave it. When we enter the world, we’re vulnerable and need constant care and attention. We depend on our parents or guardians to look after us and keep us safe. They must provide us with basic needs such as food, warmth, and attention. As we near the end of our life, we’re back where we started. Unable to survive by yourself, we rely on people to help us. Usually, we receive support from our children. If you have an elderly parent, you need to take this responsibility seriously. Your parents might be independent now, but there’s no guarantee that’s always going to be the case.

You might already be in the position where elderly parents are reliant on you for support. Or, they may be doing everything they can to avoid help. This can put you in an awkward position. When do you step in? Do you take them into your home or do you provide home care for them? Alternatively, do you help them relocate into a care home? They might fight you on this, and it’s not always clear 123-2016black-man-older-parent_ewhat to do in that situation. Should you override their decision or should you continue to respect their decision? There are so many questions and no easy answers. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find a solution. You just need to consider the situation carefully and look at it from different points of view. Care centers like https://careforfamily.com.au/ can help you, and make sure the elder in your family is taken care of.

Approaching Retirement

As your parents approach retirement, you should be pushing them to relocate to a different home that is more suitable. Elderly parents should consider relocating to a bungalow, and it will be up to you to convince them of this. It may sound silly but as you get older a flight of stairs can be incredibly dangerous. It can also take its toll on bones and muscle. You’ll struggle to get up and down without assistance. Moving to a new home can avoid injuries that put people in hospital at a later stage in life. Due to the age of their body, sustaining an injury later in life usually, results in a slow recovery. If they recover at all. An injury such as this can also lead to mental conditions that we will discuss further down. However, for now, it’s important to realize if you get them in a more suitable home early on you may never have to deal with the issue of dependence.

Protecting Independence

After your parents have retired, they may start to develop more problems around the age of seventy-five. This is when issues with mobility and socializing tend to set it. You may want to ensure that your parents keep their independence. At the same time, though, you should want them to have a good quality of life. That’s not always possible if they are left to their own devices. Particularly if, without your help, they can’t get out the house. Then their quality of life has been affected and with your help, this could have been prevented. You should encourage elderly parents to accept your help. For instance, you should offer to take them shopping and take them to social groups. This is particularly important for a parent who has been widowed. Isolation and social withdrawal are thought to be one of the main causes of dementia. It is understandable you want to preserve their independence but not at the expense of their health. Help them as much as you can and you’ll avoid them relying on more permanent forms of care in their twilight years. You can read about preserving their independence on http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/.

Bringing Them Into Your Home

If your parents reach a point where they can no longer survive by themselves, you may consider moving them into your home. Depending on your situation, this might not be the best idea. It could leave you in a position where you’re not living your life because you’re looking after them. You feel a duty to keep them safe and well looked after. This tends to put pressure on your relationship with them. Rather than being a son or daughter, you become a carer. For some people, it’s best to keep these two things separate. It can put an incredible amount of pressure on your life. You don’t want to spend healthy years that you have looking after someone else. So what are the other options?

In-House Care

If your parents still have some level of independence, you can consider arranging in-house care. With in-house care, they get the support they need without moving to a care home. This is an option if you think they are safe and happy through the majority of the day. An in-house carer will simply provide an extra level of support.

Permanent Care

Permanent care is the solution you need to think about when they need constant attention. Look at a web page like http://mcknightplace.com/skilled-nursing/. You’ll see these care facilities offer skilled nursing staff. They will have access to levels of care that you simply wouldn’t be able to provide for them yourself. It’s particularly important if they have a permanent injury or disability such as dementia. This brings us to another challenge of looking after and caring for elderly parents.

Helping A Parent With Dementia

Dementia is the worst part of growing old. It affects the parent and those around them. Imagine having your parent looking at you and not knowing who you are. Someone who raised you and cared for you now not recognizing your face. Thankfully, it seems we’re close to curing this condition. You can read about that on http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/. It’s a painful reality and one that you might encounter. Sadly, many children simply give up on their parents if they reach this point. You shouldn’t do this. Instead, you should keep trying to connect even if it seems hopeless. Every so often you will get through. They will remember, and that will make being there for them worth it.

Staff Writer; Leo King

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