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Black Lives Matter. So Prove It By Starting With Yours.

October 27, 2016 by  
Filed under Health, Money/Business, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comYou don’t need me to go getting all political with this post. Suffice to say that the Black Lives Matter campaign is something that rings true to all African Americans. From my personal experiences, it’s something that matters to a lot of white people also. However, positive steps as a community count for very little if you aren’t prepared to invest in yourself.

Regardless of race, religion, or gender, we all have a responsibility to keep ourselves in great health. The best starting point, without question, is our personal health. There’s no excuse for living an unhealthy life, especially as the smallest gestures often make the biggest impact. Even if it’s making a switch from cigarettes to vaping, those life decisions will make a world of difference.

Likewise, regular exercise and a positive diet will serve you well. 2016blacklivesmatterHowever, it’s not just a case of taking those positive steps in your daily life. We all need a little help from time to time, especially when our health is involved. This could mean seeing a doctor to gain a diagnosis for your ongoing issues. Or it may mean seeking an air ambulance or best ground treatment following a serious car crash. Either way, knowledge is power, and being prepared for those situations is key.

Keeping your body in great health isn’t all about the physical elements, though. Many mental health victims are scared to reach out for help, but suffering silence isn’t a solution. Let;s face it; a healthy body and mind is the foundation of a fulfilled life. Do not forget it.

Your health is only the start, however. If you truly want to prove your worth in life, you need to take other matters into consideration. Ultimately, it boils down to ambition. I’m not going to lie and say this world is perfect. Of course, prejudices still exist, and certain situations can become unfair. But you cannot let it knock you down. If you’re seriously motivated to achieve great things in life, you will.

Whether it’s starting a business or going back to college, chasing a better career is key. Aside from the personal satisfaction that it brings, those financial rewards will make life a lot easier. Moreover, those positive steps will create far greater opportunities for friends and family too. If that isn’t a formula for success, I don’t know what is.

Perhaps most importantly, you need to stand up for your beliefs and rights. Whether it’s following a religion, or supporting your favorite NBA team doesn’t matter. Celebrating your identity is vital because this is what makes you, you. Never be ashamed or afraid to show it. Moreover, you need to impart that wisdom to your children too.

Black lives matter, but you are the only one that can actively improve your prospects. Striving for progress has been central to the history of the community, and it should be central to your personal life too. After all, life is a game we play, and that continued ambition is the hallmark of a winner.

Staff Writer; Larry Jones

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