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2016: Powerful Year-End Questions You Need to Ask.

December 13, 2016 by  
Filed under Money/Business, News, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) Can you believe it is mid-December already? Christmas is just two weeks away, and in three weeks, it’ll be a New Year altogether? The more years go by, it seems the faster they fly.

And I used to think it was just me – recovering overachiever that I am – who always felt at the end of the year that “I could have done more.” But over many years of coaching hundreds of clients and speaking to hundreds of thousands in diverse audiences around the world, I’ve come to realize it definitely isn’t just me. It seems year-end is often a time of squeezing in as much as possible and resolving to roll old goals over into a New Year.

What if, rather than rushing towards the end of the year and contemplating what’s next, you stopped for a moment to reflect on “what’s been?”00blackmanthinking

I invite you to pause this week for a celebratory reflection of another year of life, wisdom and resilience. If you made it to December, all three are sprinkled into your 365-day chapter called 2016. Stop for a moment right now and ask just three questions that honor the experience of this last year.

1. What was your most gratifying accomplishment this year?

It could have been the way you handled a really tough situation. Or the way you kept your heart open to love even though it’s been broken in the past. Maybe you finally learned to swim or you took more time to spend with your family, or worked really hard on something meaningful to you. You know what leaves you feeling proud of yourself. Acknowledge it. Say it out loud. Doesn’t that feel good?

2. What is the message in your biggest challenge?

There’s always a message in the mess. Whatever “mess” you had to deal with this year, glean something from it! Pinpoint the message or lesson so you can walk into the New Year a bit wiser and better equipped to handle the inevitable challenges that will pop up. Our biggest challenges often open the door to the biggest opportunities to transform our lives and our approach to problems. Seeing it from this perspective can leave you feeling empowered rather than resentful or frustrated.

3. Who added joy to your life this year?

Ultimately, it’s the people in our lives that make life rich and fulfilling. Even if all isn’t going as you’d hoped, never take for granted the souls that make you smile and the people who come through for you. Research shows happiness is contagious. Having just one happy person in your inner circle can boost your happiness – even more than a $10,000 raise, according to one Harvard study. So while you may have hoped for a bigger boost in your bank account this year, it’s the strength of your relationships that might be the biggest boost of all.

My challenge to you this week:

Take a moment to reflect on the past year. Answer these three powerful questions.

Journal about it:

What is your most gratifying accomplishment? What is the message in your biggest challenge this year? Who added joy to your life this year?

Columnist; Valorie Burton

Official website; http://www.ValorieBurton.com

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