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Take Your Family To The Game – Without The Stress.

January 31, 2017 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Sports, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comAlthough it can be one of the great pleasure of having a family, it can also be a great source of stress. Taking your family to a sporting event can be a heady mixture of experiences, and it is well worth learning how to make the most of it. If you are the kind of family that goes to such events all the time, then you might be wondering what the fuss is. But for anyone who is not quite so well-versed, this is the kind of day out with the family which can test your patience. In this post, we are going to discuss some of the ways in which you can make this outing an altogether more enjoyable experience. Let’s see what you can do to make the most of it.

Plan Ahead

This first point is really relevant to any kind of adventure you might go on with your children. Having the ability to plan ahead makes a considerable difference to how well the day itself turns out, and the way that you plan it can be hugely important. When it comes to planning for an outing of this kind, it is worthwhile making sure that you have taken the whole day into account. One of your first concerns will probably be the financial side of things. Make sure that you book ahead to save money – the likes of LA Chargers ticket prices can be considerably cheaper this way. If you are going to a longer game like a baseball game, then are you prepared for your children’s possible waning attention? Have you taken things like toilet breaks into account? It is only by preparing for all of these situations that you can properly feel ready for the day as a whole. It might help if you take yourself through the whole day mentally, so that you can try and figure out what you might need to prepare for. And do make sure to purchase your baseball tickets beforehand. Having done this, the whole event should be much simpler and more stress-free than you might have anticipated.

Safety First

Keeping your kids safe at the ball game can be its own kind of mission all unto itself. Regardless of the venue or even the sport being played, these can be dangerous places even for adults – so make sure you keep a close eye on your children. There are many kinds of dangers which can affect your children at sporting events, and it is helpful if you do your best to remain vigilant throughout the day. That way, any potential dangers are going to be significantly less damaging than if you find yourself not paying attention. This can be difficult at times, especially with the fascination of the game being played out before you, but it is essential if you want to keep your whole family safe on their day out.

Seat Choices

Where you sit is likely to have a surprisingly big effect on how the day turns out, especially for longer games, as with children in tow you might need to suddenly up and leave. If there is some kind of emergency, you will want to be able to get out of the venue in a hurry and without causing a panic or any upheaval. It might also be the case that your children will want to visit the bathroom at regular intervals. Making all of this as easy as possible will mean you have far fewer headaches on the day, so think about your seat of choice when you are planning for the day, and when you are buying your tickets. A seat on the edge of a row is usually best if you are attending the place with all of your family in tow, although of course these are not always available. If they are not, go for the closest that you can find.

The Practice Run

If this is the kind of outing you think you might be doing quite often, then you might find some benefit in holding some kind of practice run. A well-rehearsed practice run can make the whole experience much less stressful on the day  -and it gives you an opportunity to see another game in the process! For your practice run, it makes sense to go somewhere smaller on less of a big occasion than your main event. This allows you the luxury of being able to practice taking your family out for the day, but without the stresses of the bigger event looming over you. Consider going to a small local venue and trying it out there. This can be a surprisingly powerful way of improving your ability to take your children and family to the more major sports events you might want to witness.


If you are not absolutely set on any particular event, but you just want to go to any in the year, then you could help yourself and your family hugely by considering the timing of your outings. If you don’t mind about missing certain larger events, you could save everyone a lot of hassle and stress by choosing to go when there are likely to be far fewer people. Having this sense of timing about things can dramatically help when it comes to taking the family out on these kinds of occasions, so bear this in mind. Get the timing right, and all else can soon fall into place before you know it.

Slow & Steady

On the day itself, remember not to rush, not to panic, and to take the whole day slow and steady. That way, you are much less likely to have any serious problems, and if anything untoward does occur, you can much more easily deal with the situation than if you are running around panicking. Remember: as long as you take it easy, there is no reason why the whole day can’t be a joyous walk in the park. With any luck, it will be one of those days that you and the family look back on with fondness. And you might just decide that you want to do it again some time very soon.

Staff Writer; Marcus Jacobs

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