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Can You Have Too Much Calcium?

February 10, 2017 by  
Filed under Health, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comEveryone is aware that a healthy diet should include a source of sufficient calcium intake, whether you pick low-fat yoghurt or a daily glass of milk. Yet, what nobody can say for sure is: What is the sufficient intake of calcium? Is eating a single pot of yoghurt at every meal too much? And what is too much calcium? When it comes to dietary requirements, most individuals are feeling a little confused. It is difficult to imagine that calcium, which is necessary to maintain the solid structure of your bones and to help regulate your level of insulin in the blood, could be harmful to the body. But you could have too much of a good thing and here’s how to notice it:  

Calcium Building Up In Your Inner Ear

Your inner ear is responsible for sensing motion and keeping your balance. However, when the structure of the inner ear is disturbed with the build-up of calcium carbonate crystals that break loose, you start experiencing a sense of false motion perception, which is called vertigo. Vertigo is the feeling that your surroundings are whirling accompanied with nausea – Thankfully you can find quick home tips to help on www.homeremedyshop.com.

Calcium Affecting Kidneys

When too much calcium in the blood affects your kidneys, you rapidly start experiencing discomfort between the back and the upper abdomen on one side. You will also feel the urge to urinate more often than normal. Thirst is a common symptom too of too much calcium – read more about it on www.toomuchof.com – in your kidneys.

Calcium Affecting Abdomen

Abdomen-related symptoms are extremely common in cases of hypercalcemia, or too much calcium, but they are easily mistaken for discomfort related to your digestion. Most people suffering from hypercalcemia experience nausea and vomiting, as well as violent abdominal pain. They naturally reduce their appetite to avoid further discomfort. As calcium is reducing the intake of fluids by the body, it is frequent to experience severe constipation too.

Calcium Affecting Muscles

An increase in calcium in your blood will affect your muscles and cause uncontrollable twitches and weaknesses.

Calcium Affecting Skeletal Structure

High levels of calcium can directly affect your bone tissues and cause effects that are similar to calcium deficiency. Most people tend to experience bone pain, that can even translate into fractures. Height loss is also common as the natural water that protects the bones is absorbed by the calcium in the blood. Deformed bone structures can appear too, such as bowed shoulders or a curvature of the spine.  

Calcium Affecting Your Mental Health

Finally, an abnormally high presence of calcium in the blood will affect your mental health. Several cases of depression have been observed and could be cured by managing the levels of calcium in the body. Memory loss, which tends to be prevented by the absorption of calcium, can be accelerated in old age by an increased amount of calcium ions in the brain cells. Finally, some patients can become more irritable and experience anger management issues.

Staff Writer; Phil Jones

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