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Social Media Strategies You Could Seriously Improve On.

October 29, 2017 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comMarketing offers huge potential for any business. It is your chance to market your products and services, advertise in unique ways, have strategy campaigns to obtain new customers and also to engage with your audience. But yet, many people don’t really take advantage of some of the bigger marketing opportunities they have, the ones that can offer huge potential to their business. I wanted to share with you some of the strategies many business can improve upon.

Using giveaways and competitions to increase audience and engagement

Competitions and giveaways have become big business for the general public and there are now people who enjoy “comping” as part of a hobby. This is where some businesses can take advantage of this and while it isn’t purely for the benefit of your business, it can seriously increase your engagement through social media. For example, a like and share competition on Facebook could mean that you encourage people to like your page, or sharing a status means their friends see it. They get the competition entry, you get new sets of eyes on your business.

Making sure your platforms are seamlessly linked and consistent

Some people like to strategize differently for different social media platforms, but having them linked in some way in regards to the content you share, focusing on an omni-channel approach, could mean that you get a greater reach and understanding of what your business is about from consumers, customers and clients. Consistency can be reached by having a strategy in place for the type of content you wish to share.

Taking advantage of in-house features on different social media platforms

There are some great opportunities through different platforms that now offer you a more diverse way to share content. Tings like Instagram stories or Facebook lives can be a fantastic way to promote products and services in a more informal and less sales-like approach. Other options could include things like boomerangs for pictures or even taking more consideration into the imagery you share online. You could even take advantage of up and coming social media platforms like Snapchat.

Linking eCommerce opportunities to social media profiles

On the likes of Facebook and Instagram, you can now add a button that states “shop now” this can link directly to your eCommerce store online and could encourage a more seamless approach to gaining new sales. Making it easier for potential consumers and customers to purchase items rather than having to find the website themselves.

Replying to comments and direct messages

Finally, social media doesn’t work unless you are proactive with how you use it. This means that replying to comments and direct messages should be a big priority for you. Failing to even acknowledge a comment could leave a bad taste in that customer’s mouth and enough for them to avoid shopping with you again. It’s also important to engage with other profiles as not only does it help other small businesses but it can also boost your visual reach as well.

I hope that this helps you improve on some of the social media strategies you have in place.

Staff Writer; Peter Poole

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