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How To Get A New Microscope.

March 31, 2018 by  
Filed under Education, Money/Business, Weekly Columns

( If you have always found yourself fascinated by the many wonders of biology and the world that can’t be seen with the naked eye, you’ve probably thought about getting a microscope before. In case you don’t know what features are essentials and which ones you can totally do without, we made a list of some of the most important factors that should help you make up your mind.

What type are you looking to get?

There are roughly three types of microscopes available out there, but there are many variations in terms of design and optical components. Compound microscopes are widely used for research purposes, and that’s because they can be utilized successfully for viewing a wide array of biological samples and specimens.

Dissecting microscopes are mostly employed for purposes like SMD soldering, repairing electronics, as well as jewelry making. They do not have the same magnification capabilities as their compound counterparts.

Finally, USB microscopes are by far the simplest and easiest to use. Some of these products are, in fact, magnifiers, which means that they do not have the same design or optical parts as full-size alternatives. They are cheap, and some of their lenses can even be made of plastic, which is why they make good choices only for occasional use or for when you need a portable optical instrument.

If you want to get a brand new microscope for a student, it might be a good idea for you to read this article.

Magnification is important

The magnification power of the device you’re looking to spend your money on is one of its essential features. However, you do not have to get the greatest one you can afford. What you do have to do, on the other hand, is assess your needs and determine the applications you are going to use the device for.

If you want it for jewelry making, it would be downright counterproductive for you to spend your cents on a compound microscope whose lowest magnification setting starts at 40x. It would, however, make more sense to invest in a stereo microscope.

Lighting and connectivity

Back in the day, people used optical microscopes, which relied on a mirror to provide the lighting necessary for viewing a specimen. These days, most digital models come with their own light sources, which can consist of a series of LED bulbs, a halogen one, or a tungsten one. Halogen bulbs are great because they allow the user to visualize the real colors of the sample. Their disadvantage is that they don’t last a lifetime, unlike their LED counterparts, for instance.

As for connectivity, you ought to understand beforehand whether you’re going to be interested in capturing the images, turn them into photos, and then transfer the shots to a computer. We mentioned USB models at the beginning of the post, and one of these might be that which you might be searching for if you want to save the pictures easily and conveniently.

Some compound alternatives can also be connected to a computer, but they might cost a pretty penny.

Staff Writer; Terry Brown

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