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The Best Start: Setting Your Teens Up For College.

April 2, 2018 by  
Filed under Education, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comIf your teen is off to college in the fall, congratulations; this is an exciting time for them, and hopefully the start of a bright future. They’ll have worked hard to reach this point, and they’ll need to continue to do so in order to succeed and grow into responsible and valuable members of society. As a parent, it can sometimes be challenging to gauge how much help to give your kids as they grow up and to know when it’s best to take a step back and let them decide or take actions themselves. However, it’ll all come from a good place, and with some thought and effort; you’ll be able to assist your teen’s transition into their college years, without becoming overbearing (however much you want to keep an eye on them). 

There are an array of things you can do to offer your teen both practical and emotional support when they’re flying the safety of the nest. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about your actions now, and writing a list so that you can be as prepared as possible when the time arrives. Start by communicating with your child about how you intend to help, and listen to their feedback; if they feel they can sort things out on their own, you need to put a level of trust in their decisions. They may make mistakes, but that’s part of growing up, and a great way to learn their lessons early on in life. The following are some ideas and advice for parents who are preparing to send their teen off to college and want them to have the best start possible.

Practical Help

Your teen will need the means to contact you through a smartphone, and will probably need a tablet, laptop, or computer so that they can work outside of their lectures and study efficiently. Therefore, it’s worth exploring your options regarding what will help them, what’s within yours and their budget, and what’s likely to last for the duration of their college and university years. Check out sites like so that you can discover a range of guides and reviews surrounding the latest in tech, and decide what you might like to invest in. You can always contribute towards your teen’s tech, or encourage them to save as much as possible through part-time work so that they can afford something themselves. And, of course, there’s the option to treat them to a new phone or laptop, if you feel that they deserve it and it’s the right move. To make the device stand out, picking up some cute stickers from, would surely put a smile on his/her face. Yes, even parents have a funny side!

Emotional Support

The personality of your child will determine how they cope with those first few months in a college or university environment. The key is to let them lead regarding coming to visit, them returning for weekends at home and the level of communication you have. However, if you haven’t heard from them in a while; there’s nothing wrong in contacting them to ensure that everything is going well. Let them know that you are there should they need to talk or if they need some advice, and make the most of the time that they do spend at home during the holidays. Striking a balance will be an adjustment for both you and your teen, and you’re bound to worry, but it’s part and parcel of moving forward, and you’ll all get there in the end.

Staff Writer; Paul Shaw

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