Friday, July 26, 2024

Getting Noticed at a Trade Show.

(Akiit.comTrade shows are fantastic. They are a great way to meet new clients and make crucial business connections, do deals with new suppliers and get yourself noticed. You’ll learn a lot, meet loads of new people and gain essential exposure. But, attending a trade show, hiring a space and filling it with displays and props can be expensive. Then, there’s the cost of having samples made, marketing materials printed and any transport that you might need. You might need to pay staff or lose a day’s income to attend.

These costs mean that it’s essential that you make the most of it. Trade shows can be very crowded, and you’ll be surrounded by competitors and gimmicky displays that get noticed straight away. Some of the others might be more experienced and polished, and it can be hard to get seen. Here are some top tips to help you get noticed in the crowd.


Start work long before the event. Do your research, look at past events online, find out what your competitors are doing, or what they have done before. Start getting things printed, prepare t-shirts, brief any staff that you are taking with you and start planning exactly how you want your trade show to go.

Build the Hype

You should also start building the hype. Let your customers and fans know where and when you’ll be attending. Promote the trade shows hashtag on social media and start your own. Start a countdown, share hints of what you will be giving away and sharing on the day, run a poll asking people what they want and try to reach as many people as you can. Make sure they are excited to see you long before the event. Do this for every show you attend, and you’ll soon have a keen audience lining up to speak to you.

Perfect Your Display

Don’t underestimate the importance of your display. Trade show displays are essential when it comes to standing out from the crowd. Don’t just go with a sad little table covered in business cards. Have a proper display printed, with your logo and key details about your business. Make sure it’s easy to spot over the heads of the crowd.

Get Chatting

You are a huge part of your trade show presentation. Don’t just stand around waiting for people to ask your questions. Get chatting. Prepare a short pitch to sell yourself quickly, be funny and friendly and make sure you approach people instead of waiting for them to come to you.

Get Your Freebies Right

Freebies are a big part of trade shows. The standard printed pencil or mug is great, but could you be doing more? Make sure your logo is clear and try to be original or give people what they want. Tech goodies like headphones and iPad cases work well. Then, look at your packaging. Every stall will be giving out a free tote bag to carry goodies. Make yours bigger and brighter than the rest.

Staff Writer; Rick Poole

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