Friday, July 26, 2024

Beyond Blogging: Boosting Your SEO And Making Your Voice Heard.

October 30, 2018 by  
Filed under Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comThe idea of black voices being heard and appreciated is a phenomenon that we cannot afford to take for granted. Rich or poor, young or old, liberal or conservative, we have a platform for free expression that previous generations could scarcely have dreamed of. For black entrepreneurs and business owners, it becomes that much more incumbent upon us to make our voices heard. Not only are our insights, reflections, knowledge and opinions valuable and interesting for audiences of all colors, but they may prove a valuable roadmap for young people trying to make it behind you.

When you run your own business, however, making your voice heard is also an instrumental part of giving you an organic boost in Search Engine Optimization to put you head and shoulders above your competitors. For most, this comes in the form of content marketing. But if you thought that this just meant blogging, you could be missing out…

Blogs are great… BUT

Blogs are a great form of content marketing but they are really just the tip of the iceberg. Sure, they provide you with a great platform from which to pen insights and share your knowledge and experiences, but they may be at odds with how we consume content now. More and more of us consume our content on the go using a mobile device and rarely are long form blog posts conducive to this. To reach the right audience and make your voice heard, it might be worth considering other media such as…

Video (never) killed the SEO star

Video is increasingly popular. Indeed, it is expected that by 2021 video will drive over 80% of all online traffic. Ask any internet marketing agency and they’ll tell you that if video is not already a part of your content strategy… it really should be. Video content is quick and easy to consume and can convey a  lot of information in a very short period of time. While video takes time, skill and resources to produce, its impact on your SEO will likely make it more than worth the effort and endeavor.

The power of podcasting

If the idea of video production doesn’t appeal to you (or if you have the perfect face for radio) podcasting may be a useful alternative. After all, it allows you to literally make your voice heard while helping you to form an intimate relationship with listeners. The immediacy of podcasting humanises us more than written content while its easily digestible format makes it perfect for those on the busy commute to work. Moreover, inviting guest speakers or interviewing influential people can create mutually beneficial business relationships while generating genuine interest in your content. That’s engagement that money can’t buy!

Get graphic and explicit!

There’s tremendous value in being able to educate others. Not only does imparting your knowledge benefit others, it also establishes you as an expert and a leading mind in your field. But while long form blog posts can be hard to consume, infographics convey the same amount of information in seconds.

If you want to make your voice heard while also drawing in new prospects, blogging is just the beginning when it comes to content marketing!

Staff Writer; Jerry Ford

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