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Where’s The Small Stress In Modern Offices?

November 27, 2018 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comWorkplace stress is a known factor in modern life. With numerous studies revealing that job stress is the major kind of stress for American adults, it’s impossible to ignore its effect on your health. From elevated heart rate to unhealthy coping mechanisms, the correlation between job stress and heart attack has been so widely acknowledged that in the police force, an officer who suffers a coronary event on or off the job will be compensated for a work-related injury.

The most significant causes tend to relate to workload, work/life balance and lack of job security. However, there are small factors that can lead to underlying stress disorders and need to be addressed now before they can develop into a main source of worries for your business. Indeed, there’s a form of everyday frustration that most people dismiss as a source of major stress. Nevertheless, regular frictions can lead to chronic stress disorders and affect your health at a permanent level, leading to heart disease, anxiety, and chronic pain. Where does the small stress factors hide in the workplace?

Ineffective or slow digital solutions

Picture the scene. You’ve arrived at the office on time. You’re ready to tackle your first task of the day. But you’re stuck at your desk, waiting for the laptop to finally load your document from the digital platform. Indeed, when your digital solutions are slow, even the simplest tasks can take ages. In the long term, your staff develops a mild form of chronic stress, as they’re constrained to wait for the cloud applications to catch up. You can, however, make their day easier by switching to a better performing solution, such as asking an IT expert such as Dyrand to tailor a cloud service for your needs. You should also run an audit on your broadband provider, as slow Internet connections will naturally lead to slow applications.

A hectic and busy decor

Your decor can play a significant role in the team’s morale. An office design that includes a chill out zone and creative spaces can actively support productivity throughout the day. However, too many small companies forget the importance of the office decor. As a result, many create a busy environment that maximizes desk numbers and minimalizes emotional boosts such as greenery, outdoor spaces, and a lounging zone. Your workplace becomes a trap that drags the morale down, instead of being a living zone.

A manager who can’t manage

Everyone is familiar with the concept of bad bosses. More often than not, a bad boss is not aware of the situation. A manager who fails to support the needs of their employees can increase chronic stress levels as interactions with the team occur. Contrary to the common belief, not all bad bosses are bullies. Many are perfectly reasonable individuals who lack the skills to lead effectively. For instance, a boss who fails to communicate their expectations and goals can leave employees feeling unsure. Similarly, a boss who constantly changes expectations creates the same feeling of uncertainty.

Chronic stress is often ignored in the workplace as it tends to affect small day-to-day elements. From slow digital solutions to bosses who are not as competent as the team would wish, it’s the accumulation of little things that can lead to the buildup of dramatic health conditions.

Staff Writer; Doug Ford

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