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Outdoor Activities To Give You A Better Sense Of Wellbeing.

December 11, 2018 by  
Filed under Sports, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comGetting outdoors is something we should all do more for an increase in wellbeing. Many people don’t feel happy and alert enough these days, and one of the reasons can often be because they aren’t spending enough time outdoors. Time outdoors produces an increase in vitamin D after just 15 minutes, and being out in nature can give more creative ideas. Not only that, natural light elevates mood, and encourages increased alertness and concentration throughout the day. You should also find you suffer with less anxiety and better sleep. With all of those benefits in mind, it’s obvious we should be making more of an effort to get outside where possible.

So, what are a few outdoor activities you can try to give you a better sense of wellbeing? Take a look:


Hiking can be as gentle or as intense as you like, depending on your ability levels and where you want to go. You can start out with simple walks, and then work your way up to climbing mountains if you wish! Walking is a great low impact exercise, and if you have the right equipment you can amble over just about any kind of terrain. All you have to do is make sure you take rests when you need them, and ensure you schedule drink/food stops so you stay energized along the way. This is a great activity to try with friends and family, too.


Camping out in nature, away from all of the electronics that most of us have in our homes, is a fantastic way to get back in touch with ourselves and the world around us. After just a few days camping many people report feeling less stressed and anxious. Camping with other people tends to help you build a better bond, too. You could just camp, or if you want more of an outdoor adventure, sites like Fishing sun offer things like kayaks and fishing gear to make your trip even more exciting.


Biking is a lot of fun, and many people don’t even realize that they are getting great exercise because of this! All you need is a bike suited to your needs, whether that’s a mountain bike or something more suited to use around towns – however, it’s important to note that spending time in areas with less pollution and tall buildings is better for your well being. Biking regularly may help you to get fitter and healthier, as well as reduce pollution from using cars and public transport.


Gardening is a very low impact, gentle activity, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good for your wellbeing. It’s suited to people of all ages, and can be a great way to reduce stress. Tending to your garden makes it much more beautiful and can give you a wonderful sense of satisfaction, too.

Read A Book Outdoors

You don’t have to be exercising outdoors to enjoy the benefits that it can offer you. Take a book outside and read it on a bench, or even do your work outside. Just get outside and you’ll notice the awesome benefits in your mood!

Staff Writer; Jerry Day

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