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3 Safety Nets That Every Business Needs.

January 30, 2019 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comIf you’re a business owner, there are a few (metaphorical) safety nets that you need to ensure that you have. If you don’t have all of the bases covered, you could end up paying a lot out if anything goes wrong, and your business could lose a lot of time and money as a result. If you have a plan – and a back-up plan – you will rest easy knowing that there are few things (well, within your control) that can go wrong. We’ve put together three things that you need to consider, if you want to make sure that your business is safe and secure.

  1. You need good insurance

Your office is where all of the magic happens; it is where some of your documents are stored, it is where all of that expensive tech resides, and it is the living, breathing heart of your company. If anything bad happens to it – such as a fire, or a break in – you need to ensure that you haven’t lost anything that can’t be replaced through your insurance. A good cover may be costly, but you’ll be glad that you have it when your business gets back up and running as quickly as possible, and it hasn’t made a big dent to the company accounts. Look into the options out there, and try to find something that suits your needs as a business.

  1. You need some good IT support

As all business owners will know, when your IT systems go down you lose so much time and money, and it can be hard to get the productivity levels of your team back up to speed when all of your problems are rectified. However, getting some good IT support could help you to rectify these issues, as they will sort out any problems remotely, and it will save you the money (and stress) of having to hire somebody to do the job in your office. This is a great safety net to have, as you could waste a lot of time if the professionals aren’t managing your systems, and it will be detrimental to your company if you keep encountering issues that are slow to be fixed.

  1. You need to hold a bit of money back

When it comes to budgeting for your business, you need to ensure that you hold a bit of money back in case any financial emergencies occur. When you make all of your original budgeting plans, then, you should put a little aside, and use the rest of the money for the jobs that you have left. If you don’t have this financial safety net, your business could end up folding if you encounter any hurdles, or you may have to take on more debt to keep yourself going. The rules here are pretty much the same as those for personal finance: if you save the money up for a rainy day, you’ll be glad that you did when the difficult times come around.

So, if you’re a business owner, make sure you have these three safety nets sorted!

Staff Writer; Lisa Brown

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