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It’s Important To Understand Your Rights.

April 25, 2019 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

( All of us, as humans, have access to certain human rights. It might seem as though news coverage can often show us how our rights are being eroded year after year, but it’s still important to note that our rights do have a profound impact on our everyday lives, and how they can be lived to a stronger extent. It’s extremely easy to disregard the benefits that the law of the land has on our daily lives, but without them, we would see just how easily things fall into chaos, and that’s why movies that tackle these subjects are often so popular.

Understanding your rights as a human being might not be a topic you have ever delved into before. We have some understanding over what they are. For example, human rights are often common sense, such as your right to life, your right to respect for private and family life, and the right to freedom of religion and belief.

But beyond that, we may not know much. Instead of taking them for granted, let’s embark on a small dive into your rights, and how knowing them can benefit you in the everyday:

Working Rights

It’s important to know just how your safety can be impeded and how you might allocate litigation should you be harmed. For example, acting as a named guest in a building can often grant you certain levels of insured protection. At work, personal injury, if not your fault, can be litigated against through the use of attorneys who can educate you regarding your best chance of compensation.

It’s also essential to be fairly compensated for the position, to have a guaranteed amount of sick days and holiday time per year. It’s also important to understand what your current rights are depending on the career you’re part of. For example, truck drivers cannot work for over 14 hours per day. To defend and understand your rights, search for a union, or research your career online. It might be that you notice one of your rights haven’t been granted to you at your place of employment.

Property Rights

It’s important to consider your rights if you own property. It is your right to defend your land through non-violent means, such as securing it with gates, fences, and a range of other activities. Self-defense can be swung in your favor, but is a gray area worth considering. It’s also important to know that you have the right to enjoy your property peacefully. This means that a public authority cannot remove your rights to the property without an excellent reason to do so, or without evidence that you are harming the rights of others.

The Right To Free Speech

It’s important to consider that free speech is your right, as protected by law. This does not mean that freedom of speech means freedom of consequence should you choose to utilize offensive language, and in some cases, this might constitute directed, targeted harassment, which is another matter entirely. However, you are free to express your opinion on topics provided they do not incite harm. It seems as though this is something we all need to be reminded of from time to time.

With these tips, you’ll be on the starter journey to learning more about the rights you should cherish and defend.

Staff Writer; Carl James

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