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Keep Your Home Spic And Span For Selling Your Real Estate.

March 11, 2020 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

( We often spend a lot of time saving up our money to do home renovations, if we are able to.  We will spend money on looking at companies that offer intricate electrical upgrades to make the most of our house, we may look at getting a brand new security system with an up to date camera system. Just maybe our garage outside happens to be our work space and we weld and create furniture and we may want to learn how to prepare aluminum for welding which may entail buying new items for your garage factory. Upgrading your home is key, but do we really know how best to look after our homes? What needs to be done and how can it be done? If you are planning on selling, you need to know the trends of the real estate market at present which are often changing. This may be something you are quite new to and when selling a home, it’s important to know what needs to be improved in the home before delving into the selling logistics and more. See what may need to be done to your home to help the sale of property; also getting the right financial advice will be key but to improve the look of your home, will be the first step in making it appealing for any type of buyer. Also, if you’re looking to sell your house fast in Durham, NC one may want to check out EliteHomeSolutions your go to real estate agency. It’s always nice being able to get an instant cash offer on your home, so that option is always on the table.

Inside The Home

Indoors, we will have plenty of furniture that needs to be taken care of and it’s hard to find good guides that keep things simple so let’s take a look and see what we can find. In most cases a regular light dusting using a soft cloth is all that is necessary for most wooden furniture and any other type of material for that matter. When required, take a cloth and slightly dampen it then use it to wipe dirt from the furniture, next buff with a soft, dry cloth. In the case of a spillage, a damp cloth should be used immediately to wipe away any sticky residue, then use a soft cloth to wipe the area dry. If you think it is necessary, you could also polish the surface afterwards with something delicate so it doesn’t damage the wood but most polishes will be just fine. Furniture polish can leave a build up of wax on furniture, or may make it sticky which isn’t ideal for kids. When you do use polish, always choose a high quality product and familiarize yourself with the instructions first. Only products which are specifically for use with hardwood should be used because if you do not use the appropriate products on hardwood it can diminish its texture and create issues later. 

Vernax, and other similar products, can be used to strip the furniture of a build-up of wax. You can also use other products that are similar, such as Briwax, or another high quality wax to restore the shine and protection to your furniture. Heating duct, radiators, fires and other sources of heat should not be in close proximity to your furniture, you would not want anything to burn as burn marks are not attractive to buyers and often any damages that may require time and money to fix will put people off. Direct sunlight should also be avoided, as this will bleach the furniture surface especially if it is white, you will find it goes a yellowy off- white colour that is just not attractive. Ornaments, antiques, or other items which are on the surface of a piece of furniture should be re-organized often to avoid them becoming too damaged by light and sun and also to change things up! Scratches, heat rings and water marks can be avoided by having a rule of always using coasters and place mats and this should always be key if you are planning on selling your home with the furniture inside, you must ensure that everything is in pristine condition to get the best price for your property. In the event that you do have such damage, products are available to rectify the issue. Any flower displays or house plants should be moved to a different location before watering. Damage from items such as nail polish and nail polish remover require expert repair, hence such items should be kept well away from furniture.

In the dining room, if you have any type of extending tables and other such extending items, they should be opened out at regular intervals, this will help the wood to age consistently. Another more practical option may be to allow the leaves to be exposed to light in another part of your home. Felt pads can be used for placing furniture on hardwood floors, this will help to reduce the risk of scratches. When you have a need to move furniture, do your best not to drag it on the floor surface. It is always best to lift the piece of furniture with a strong and adequate component, whenever possible. This is going to really make sure that your furniture and your walls are looking in great condition. A lot of times you may well leave a little bit of furniture in your home, so make sure that this looks incredibly attractive in your asking price.

The Garden And Outdoor Living

Your garden is where you may spend a lot of time relaxing in summer, so keep this in mind when you are looking to sell your home. The garden will be more attractive to buyers if you have taken a little extra time and effort to make it look liveable and a place to entertain as well as relax and wind down. Gardens, are coveted in the housing market and everyone wants a good-sized garden and one that is manageable but looks great. You can always ask more if your garden is impeccable but again be sure to seek advice from lawyers before you look at pricing. What can help add a little class to the garden? Furniture, outdoor living, a great BBQ, garden furniture, and perhaps even a feature of some kind. If you own any type of water feature, make it the focal point of your garden, a water feature for example looks incredible attractive in the front of your garden and adds roadside value. 

They are a great decor feature. A water fountain can add more beauty to your indoor or outdoor space. It doesn’t matter if you buy tabletop fountains, large outdoor fountains or a garden fountains, you will be adding decor to your space. A wall fountain can serve as a centerpiece for your room and many interior designers use wall mounted fountains because of how gorgeous they are and they add a lot of beauty to the area. The sound of flowing water can drown out other sounds you deem as annoying, and this includes voices in the other room, traffic or barking dogs and things of that nature which could also be attractive to a prospective buyer especially if you live near a busier road or with other distractions. For some a sunroom can also add value when trying to sell off a property. Click on the following link and find sunroom builder here.

Keep your home safe before you sell, to add value!

However when you’re travelling, you should be careful and look after your home. Security brings you peace of mind and gives you a better quality of life for the freedom to walk quietly. However, wherever you live, it is always important not to leave things to chance and be aware of any situation that may arise. With the help of the experts at The Home Depot, we give you a couple of recommendations for you to take care of yours and keep your home safe.

Lock everything: Even when you are inside your house, try to keep all the doors locked. To increase security in this area there are electrical sheets that can give that extra to keep your home protected. Explore different options that reinforce the security measures you already have. Look at safes inside the house that can really assist in case you are burgled. Fort Knox Safes are great for this. 

Keep your house guarded: One of the most common and least expensive ways to maintain a safe neighborhood is through a network called a “watchdog”. To organize it, it is necessary to know all your neighbors and have their contacts to create a committed group that “watches over” whenever possible and keeps others informed. To strengthen that community system, you can install surveillance cameras both outside and inside your home. Locate them in strategic places and connect them to your cell phone so you can be a vigilant neighbor from wherever you are.

If you are selling ready and are really keen to get your home on the market and ready to go, then be sure to start with the minor details, getting a pristine look to your home and ensuring that it feels warm, comfortable and luxurious. The real estate business is at a point where it is becoming more difficult to sell because of all the other people entering the market but the market is also booming, so be sure that you attack this with the right motive.

Staff Writer; Greg Jones

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