Friday, July 26, 2024

Quick Guide to Protecting Your Small Business Data.

( We all read the headlines and see the news that talks about cybercrime and how certain large companies have had their information and data hacked. Although they aren’t the most regular, they can and do happen, and protecting your information is so important, not to mention how important it is to protect customer data

With this kind of thing in mind, you might be thinking about how you as a small business can make changes and do enough to protect company data. If large scale companies can’t even do it, then why would you, a much smaller business, be able to? Fortunately, there still are a number of ways that you can take care of your information and data, that you should check regularly, if you’re not already.

Establish a Security Policy and Conduct Due Diligence

If you want to protect data, then you can’t only rely on some of the software that your business uses. So take some time to get to know the security strategies that you currently use, if any, no matter how large your business is or isn’t. Having a formal policy around security will inform all of the team, and freelancers, of what they all need to be doing as individuals to protect company data. In addition to this, it is a good idea to do your due diligence with the business that you store data with. There are a variety of cloud providers, so you should check what their policies are and how secure your data will be. Even if you have to take the time to switch your cloud provider, using a site like, for example, in order to get the full security that you need, it is going to be well worth the investment.

Backup Critical Data

If you have not added cloud storage as a backup for your business data, then now is the time to make sure that happens. If your computer or a network gets hacked or attacked, then it is likely that your business data will have been compromised, and you might need to look at your systems and reinstall what is needed, in order to look after your computers and network. The key point is that if you haven’t backed up any business critical data, then it is quite possible that it will be lost. You could always get the help from a company like, as an IT service provider will be able to help you with being prepared for attacks, and help to create  will find out how long you can be without your critical systems and data, and then create a disaster recovery plan so that your data can be restored, if something happens. You’re likely to not be properly protected if this is the case.

Keep Systems and Software Up-to-Date

If you have updates on your devices and computers, then it is important not to ignore it. Hackers make the most of loopholes in old systems, and if you’re not up to date, then they can find a hole and it can be risky. Security patches and having update notifications is a good way to stay alert and help you to protect your network and devices.

Staff Writer; Larry Shaw

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