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Challenges Facing Every First-Time Real Estate Investor.

August 26, 2020 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

( The real estate market undoubtedly serves up some of the most lucrative and stale investments. As a first-time investor, though, there are many potential pitfalls that you must look out for. Quite frankly, only fools rush in.

So, what are the challenges you are most likely to face, and how can you overcome them? Here’s all you need to know.

  1. Knowing What Type Of Properties To Invest In

One of the first things you’ll need to do as an investor is to find a property or properties. As well as traditional single-family units, you may wish to consider commercial or industrial units. Despite the obvious thoughts that they will be out of your price range, multiple unit investments can be considered too. Many lenders see them as less risky opportunities. This is because landlords only need to occupy a percentage of the dwellings to break even.

There are many options at your disposal while joint ventures with partners are possible too. The most important step, then, is to conduct your research in advance.

  1. Preparing The Property For Tenants

Before you can start looking for tenants, you must ensure that the property is safe and will satisfy all regulations. Trauma cleanup services can get a residential property back to full health after accidents, incidents, or bad tenants. Meanwhile, if a building has been unoccupied for a long time, it may be necessary to clean mold, fix cupboards, or treat leaks. Boiler and gas safety certificates are also on the list of possible assignments.

Aside from the time that this takes, you must factor in the costs of using those services. It won’t really impact the long-term investment opportunities, but the outlay may impact your cash flow.

  1. Knowing Which Metrics To Use

Every investor enters the market looking for ways to yield the best ROIs. However, there are many ways to potentially analyze the performance of your investments. Are you going to check percentages or net profits? Year-on-year or overall strategies? And how will taxes impact your personal or business affairs? There are many questions to answer, which is why an accountant or financial advisor is your best friend. Try to find one ASAP.

Whatever insights and metrics are used, it’s vital that you stay consistent. Otherwise, it will become very easy to fall into a trap of confusion. That’s the last thing you need.

  1. Managing The Property

Finding the right property and preparing it for tenants or a sale is one thing. However, it’s another to actually turn this foundation into profit. Full landlord services can cover everything from finding a suitable tenant to keeping all communal areas clean. Similarly, it is possible to take a backseat role when marketing a fixer-upper property. It may reduce your profits by a small percentage, but you’ll get back more time.

Crucially, this approach allows you to leverage success from the experience of an expert or team of experts. In the long run, this could be the key to maximizing your investment.

Staff Writer; Ron Gold

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