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Simple Ways To Get Your Budget Under Control in 2020.

August 26, 2020 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

( We are all guilty of letting our spending get a little out of control from time to time. However, loosen the reins on your budget too much, and disaster is sure to follow. The good news is that there are some simple ways to get your spending back under control. Read on to find out what they are.

Use a budgeting app.

It may sound uncomplicated, but budgeting apps are the most effective ways to keep a reign on your spending. This is because they provide a visual dashboard interface that clearly shows you what you have spent and what.

Of course, this means it’s much harder to ignore all those little expenses that really add up like takeout coffees, work lunches, and magazines. Something that means you will be much more mindful of where your money goes each month.

Choose a prepaid cell phone.

For many of us, a considerable monthly expense is our cell phone. Unfortunately, it can be easy to go over our minutes and end up with all sorts of expensive and unexpected charges. That is why many people choose to switch prepaid cell phone plans, something that allows them to exercise much greater control over their monthly spending.

Of course, for some, the added hassle of having to top up has prevented them from making this switch so far. However, the good news is that choosing a Prepaid Bill option is now much more straightforward. The reason being you can use a site that offers top-ups in a fast and direct way online.

Subscribe to a meal box.

You may think that meal boxes are only for the rich. However, those looking to exercise better control over their budgets can also benefit from this service. In fact, because meal boxes come with every item you need for each recipe, you can save a great deal on grocery shopping each week. After all, you won’t need to pay out for new spices and herbs when you run out or pay for items that you won’t end up using again.

Additionally, you will know exactly how much to pay out for food every week with a meal box. Something that can make budgeting more manageable and help you keep a better track of your finances overall.

Set yourself a daily spend limit.

This is often a technique used on vacation, but it can certainly work in day-to-day life. Here the idea is that you work out how much you need to pay out for all your bills and subtract it from your total income.

Then whatever is leftover needs to be divided by the number of days in a month. Thus giving you your daily spend limit. Of course, you can be flexible with it as well, as you can save up a few days if there is something bigger you want to purchase. It’s just that doing your budget in this way gives you a much better sense of the amount you have to play with on a daily basis. Something that can really help you stay within your limits by the time the month ends.

Staff Writer; Fred Jones

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