Thursday, July 25, 2024

White People Christmas Just Around The Corner And Black People Are Waiting With Open Arms.

( Well, Merry Christmas to all my fellow African Americans who are happy to celebrate the white people Christmas and spent all your money and little wealth in stores, businesses and merchandise that are owned and produced by racist people who neither hire, employee, invest in the black community and neither promote black generational wealth which is done intentionally in order to keep the African American men and women in the continuous cycle of poverty, peril, symbolism, dependency, economic castration, unemployment, systemic racism and oppression.

Black people in America are more concerned with celebrating and honoring a fat white man with a red outfit called Santa Claus which has its origin in the hoods and robes of the Ku Klux Klan members which are the most visible Klan symbols of all time. But the biggest representation of white supremacy was and still is the Grand Dragon Robe which color is red and represents the top ranking leader of all white supremacy and today white America call him Santa Claus and African Americans loved him to death. indeed, Racist white America continues to give us symbolisms such as “Christianity” which is the religion of the slaves, Juneteenth which is the day that slaves realizes that they were free verbally and physical by the white man but not psychologically and economically free.

We are just a couple of days away from a fake celebration created by the greatest liars in the world who have been speaking with a fork tongue for centuries and we know who they are since they do not look like us, suffered like us, think like us, endure the pain and suffering like us and neither do they care for us as they control everything to include what you see and hear on TV, social media, mainstream media, radio, newspaper etc.. and in the words of Mr. Charleston White ” Those who control images, controls the minds of people” indeed, the minds of African Americans continue to be control and manipulated by the same people that black America love to adore and bend their knees without even realizing what they are doing.

I don’t have to say much about this false holiday celebration but if your are an African American celebrating a white Christmas then you are also the problem in our community and we as a people cannot fix our problems if we are not willing to fix ourselves. Christmas day and New years day celebration does not belong to blacks and we should not celebrate anything that racist white America continues to give us; instead, we as black people need to celebrate our holidays, our victories, our losses, our success and our independency from racist white America. It is time for African Americans to celebrate our own holidays and spend our little wealth in our black communities and in our black owned businesses that will in turn employee black men/women and invest in our black youth that it is the most affected with the school to prison pipeline due to the lack of jobs available for them which in turn leads our children to commit crimes in order to survive.

Our generational wealth starts with black man and black woman getting married to each other and having kids according to their economical financial status and passing down their family values and wealth via hard work, investments, 401k, Crypto currency etc.. to their black children, grandchildren and teaching their children to do the same and pass down every knowledge and wealth to their generations to come in order to have a better future. This can be done with proper education, communication and understanding between family members, love ones and friends and it starts with educating ourselves first at home or at HBCU’S and privately owned black schools with professional and college educated African Americans who are loyal to the black movement and the empowerment of black America.

At this moment it is too late to stop African American men and women from spending their money in the racist white men economy but at least we can still spend some money in purchasing things that will help black America and by educating ourselves to only purchase things to help us get out of poverty such as books written by black men and women for Black America. such books include PowerNomics: The national plan to empower black America by Dr. Claud Anderson; Rules to Lives by: How to maintain peace and happiness in a conflicted world by Attorney Dennis Spurling; The Unapologetic guide to black mental health by Dr. Rheeda Walker; The Psycho-academic holocaust: The special education & ADHD war against black boys by Dr. Umar Johnson. These are just a hand full of books written by African American men and women in order to help us become better and understand our current situation in America and why it is necessary to read and continue to teach our love ones to read so our community will never be left behind and lied to by any other race.

Our education starts at home with ourselves and with our children and the key to our community success is in teaching our children to read, write and speak properly and as a gift for any holidays celebrated by African Americans we should purchase and give each other books written by us for us. All our children should be given reading books as gifts instead of video games, shoes, cell phones, clothes etc.. because education and freedom starts in the mind and the only way to fill our mind with knowledge is by reading books design to educate, encourage, motivate and free ourselves from the continues negative narrative of racist white America.

Columnist; Eugenio Stewart

One may contact this brother at;

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