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7 Tips To Stride Over Automation Challenges.

April 12, 2023 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

( Automating business processes is a strategic decision that can provide a vantage point for business growth. By automating routine tasks, companies can free up valuable time and resources that can be directed toward more strategic activities. Automation can help businesses reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve productivity. This, in turn, can lead to increased profitability and a better bottom line.

Workflow automation can also help businesses to reduce errors and improve accuracy, leading to higher-quality products and services. Additionally, automation can help businesses to keep up with changing customer demands and preferences, which is essential in today’s fast-paced business environment.

One of the key benefits of automation is that it can help businesses to scale more easily. By automating processes, businesses can handle larger volumes of work without having to hire additional staff or invest in more infrastructure. This can be particularly valuable for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to expand rapidly through traditional means.


Examples of automation

The decision to automate a process is dependent on the business needs and is specific to the size and nature of the workflow. However, all businesses can automate the following processes irrespective of their economies of size and scope:

  • Accounting automation

Accounting automation involves automating tasks such as data entry, bookkeeping, and financial reporting. This can be achieved through the use of accounting software, which automates many of the tedious manual tasks that were previously required.

  • Customer service 

Using chatbots or other AI-based tools to handle customer inquiries and support requests from customers keeps them engaged. This can include automated responses to frequently asked questions, automated order tracking, and even automated customer feedback surveys.

  • Supply chain and inventory

Inventory management automation involves automating tasks such as inventory tracking, ordering, and restocking. This can be achieved through the use of software that can automatically track inventory levels, generate purchase orders, and even forecast future inventory needs.

  • Sales and marketing

Marketing automation involves using software tools to automate repetitive marketing tasks such as email campaigns, social media posting, and customer segmentation. This can help businesses save time and improve the effectiveness of their marketing efforts by targeting the right customers with the right messages at the right time.

Tips to overcome automation challenges

Process automation is possible only when a business can take strategic and timely decisions to stride over the hurdles. Here are tips to challenge the bottlenecks that one may find in implementing the technology:

Change Management

One of the biggest challenges in automation is change management. Employees may resist changes, so it’s important to communicate the benefits of automation clearly and involve them in the process. Make sure that everyone involved understands the goals of automation and how it will benefit the organization.


As the automation system grows, it’s important to ensure that it’s scalable. Choose a system that can handle more tasks and processes as your needs change. Make sure that the system can accommodate growth without requiring a complete overhaul.


Automation is only useful if it works reliably. Test your system thoroughly before implementation to ensure that it works as expected. Monitor the system regularly to ensure that it’s functioning correctly and address any issues promptly.


Automation can introduce new security risks. Make sure that your automation system is secure and that it doesn’t create new vulnerabilities. Encrypt any sensitive data that the system will handle.

Data Management

Automation relies heavily on data. Make sure that you have a plan in place for data management. This includes storing and securing data, backing it up regularly, and ensuring that it’s accurate and up-to-date.


Automation can be expensive, so it’s important to keep costs under control. Choose a system that meets your needs without breaking the bank. Consider the total cost of ownership, including implementation, maintenance, and upgrades.


Automation often requires integration with other systems. Ensure that your automation system can integrate with other systems that you use. Test the integration thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected.


Any process that can make the existing mundane work seamless and more efficient adds to the progress of the business and helps it achieve tumultuous growth. Follow the requisite due diligence and automate your business.

Staff Writer; Terry Brown

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