Friday, May 31, 2024

Ethiopian Diaspora Frustrated by U.S. Policy…

May 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Africa, News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Activists say the Obama administration has placed the war on terror above democracy in the Horn of Africa. Activists say the Obama administration has placed the war on terror above democracy in the Horn of Africa. Chris Flaherty, an American documentary film producer who’s married to a woman from Ethiopia, started a hunger […]

African cardinals denounce “cultural imperialism”…

October 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Africa, News

Tweet ( VATICAN CITY — African cardinals denounced the “cultural imperialism” of wealthy countries in their aid, trade and health care policies for Africa, saying Wednesday that the West’s promotion of abortion rights and condoms is destroying the continent’s moral fabric. African prelates attending the three-week meeting on the role of the Catholic Church in […]

Obama visit to slave fort steeped in symbolism…

July 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Africa, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( CAPE COAST, Ghana — From the rampart of a whitewashed fort once used to ship countless slaves from Africa to the Americas, Cheryl Hardin gazed through watery eyes at the route forcibly taken across the sea by her ancestors centuries before. “It never gets any easier,” the 48-year-old pediatrician said, wiping away tears […]

Congressional Black Caucus Fasts for Darfur…

May 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Africa, News

Tweet ( Inspired by actress Mia Farrow, members of Congress announced Tuesday that they were beginning a limited hunger strike to show solidarity with the people in Sudan’s Darfur region and demand President Barack Obama’s help in ending the suffering there. “Among President Obama’s priorities, Darfur has to take its place,” Farrow, 64, told reporters […]

Americans Shouldn’t Give Up on Africa…

March 10, 2008 by  
Filed under Africa, News

Tweet ( The news Americans hear about Africa these days is mostly bad – the periodic outbreak of violence, the worsening of the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, runaway inflation in Zimbabwe, and the devastating impact of malaria and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In addition to the crises of the moment, Africans face structural challenges unlike those […]

What slavery did to Africa

February 3, 2008 by  
Filed under Africa, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( To mark the start of Black History Month, a calculation of what the continent lost… We know much about 16th century sub-Saharan Africa from surviving remains, archaeological excavations and written sources. There were integrated kingdoms and empires, with substantial cities (60,000 to 140,000 inhabitants) and significant towns (1,000 to 10,000); and less organized […]

Miss Black Florida USA to compete in Africa…

December 29, 2007 by  
Filed under Africa, News

Tweet ( Without stage experience, pageant parents, or crown fever, Eunice Cofie, 27, of Tallahassee, succeeded earlier this year in winning the title of Miss Black Florida USA. “A friend came to me and told me that I should really consider being a part of it, but I simply blew it off. I thought it […]

The Partners For Africa Program ( Bringing African Americans Closer To Africa

July 14, 2007 by  
Filed under Africa, News

Tweet Alexandria, VA ( – Partners in Development (PID) has launched a new initiative with the objective of developing partnerships between African-Americans and African organizations working in the critical area of HIV/AIDS in eight sub-Saharan countries in Africa. The Project is also launching the Experience Africa Newsletter. The project, which commenced in January of 2007 […]

EU approves 40 million euro aid for African force in Darfur

May 15, 2007 by  
Filed under Africa

Tweet ( EU foreign ministers on Monday gave the green light for a 40-million euro aid package to the African Union peacekeeping force in the troubled Sudanese province of Darfur, EU officials said. For the money to be released, the decision must still be approved at a meeting between EU and foreign ministers from African, […]

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