Thursday, July 25, 2024

Supporting Christian Women Through Relational Despair

March 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Religion

A Major Focus of the Nation’s Premiere Christ Based Counseling Organization
Flower Mound, TX ( – Deceived, betrayed, broken, embattled, and spousal-hopelessness are conditions faced by countless women, particularly in the African American population. However, it is also an issue across racial and socio-economic boundaries. Alarmingly, the Church is experiencing a growing tendency toward woman-companionship and female domestic partners according to Dr. Steven B. DavidSon. “It is understandable that this would occur. We live in a culture where moving from one relationship to another without a break is the norm. It could be a long time between relationships if a woman is waiting for a relationship-worthy male.

Also, other than religious prohibitions and extreme reactions from the Church community, these women are not offered Christ-based solutions. Therefore, homosexual-friendly ministries are seizing the opportunity. Obviously, the problem also transcends homosexual relationships. Female single parents, who do not have healthy perspectives of men, have a major impact on their offspring. No doubt, many of these Christian women are simply caught-up in circumstances of dire relational suffering.

It is particularly ironic in the Church where the man, Jesus Christ is the central figure. We have found that a believer’s faith must exceed vocal expressions, desires for revelations, and ministry status. Clearly, this applies to all believers. It is also observable that any local church with single females is at risk. However, as with other personal issues, most ministries do not have effective Christ-based Counseling programs. This is particularly unfortunate in an age of specialization. Many church leaders neglect the model Jesus demonstrated. He demonstrated that speaking to people in mass would encourage them to approach Him with their personal issues one-on-one. Unfortunately, the typical ministry is well invested in quantity-driven activities. Quality one-on-one and small-group ministries are often neglected. So, the suffering continues.”

Dr. DavidSon’s organization, the National Association of Christ based Counselors is supporting individuals and churches with a series of free Question and Answer sessions on the web available nationwide. “We are pleased to support individuals and churches. Among all that this offers, we emphasize that people can attend anonymously, or with full visual and vocal recognition. This approach allows church leaders to participate without revealing their identities. We are doing our best through HIM to make a difference.”

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