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The Beginner’s Guide To Making A Website.

February 10, 2016 by  
Filed under Education, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) Every business needs a website, but not every business may have the money to afford a professional designer. As the importance of websites has risen, so has the price of the designers. The alternative is to create your website from scratch. If you have a couple of skills in your armory, you can realistically launch a site from the ground upwards and not spend a fortune. All you need to know are the skills that you need to make the dream a reality.


HTML is the code that you use to create the text for the site. Without the text, there won’t be anything there for the viewers to see when they visit. In basic terms, HTML is the foundation of your website. To start with, try and learn the simple techniques that will give you the basic coding skills for a basic site. Then, you can begin to look at more advanced techniques when you get the first steps under your belt.


The styling aspect of the site refers to the way the code looks on your site. It is fine to create the code in the first place, but you need to make it look good. Without CSS, your code will look like a mass of words on a screen. The last thing people want to see when they visit a site is reams of boring text because they expect more. They want text that stands out and that makes the site unique to all of the competition. Thanks to CSS and a bit of imagination, you can make it happen.


Before you can move away from the creation of your site, you need to take a look at JavaScript. Java is what makes a website interactive as in it allows you to navigate and take part in the site. There is not a website on the planet that doesn’t use Java because your site cannot succeed without an interactive platform. If you don’t have any idea how to incorporate it, there are great training courses that you can attend. JavaScript classes by Training Connection are just one example of courses that are available on the Internet.

From The Ground Up

Now that you have all of the basics, the next step is to create the entire site from start to finish. The process is too long and complicated to fit into a small paragraph. So, this guide contains everything you need to know. Make sure that you take everything into consideration and don’t skip any steps. One small detail could be enough to derail the project. Then, you will have learned all of these new skills for no reason.

Launch It

Finally, it is time for a live launch. To make it available to everyone, you need a host. The host’s job is to keep the site running at all times. As soon as you have one – they do charge – your site can start to advertise your brand to the world.

Follow these simple rules and your site will be up and running in no time!

Staff Writer; George Martin

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