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The Beginner’s Guide To Telemarketing.

April 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) Telemarketing is a powerful and traditional way to boost customer loyalty and gain prospects. Long used by millions of firms, it promises a high ROI (return on investment) when done the right way. In fact, it’s not uncommon to have double-digit ROI rates from telemarketing campaigns!

The only downside to telemarketing is that some companies don’t execute their campaigns well. As a result, they end up with a deluge of complaints. Plus, they could even face the wrath of industry watchdogs.

So, just how should you start a telemarketing campaign that brings results? And how can you ensure you don’t fall afoul of any laws or regulations? The answer to those questions and more is in today’s handy guide! Here is what you need to know:


The first thing you need to do is a build a call center. As you can imagine, it needs to be in an office environment. Most call centers have an open-plan design. That way, supervisors and managers can better oversee the operation.Business people working on computers in call center

You should install a digital display mounted on a wall or the ceiling. It will get used for display information about queues, average call lengths and so forth. That way, employees know they should become available for calls when required to do so.

As with any call center, it’s important that a modern and scalable telephone system gets used. All call centers have telephones with headsets attached to them. Doing so allows agents to use both hands for computer work or writing notes while on calls.

The system you choose will depend on your needs and budget. Perhaps the cheapest route into telemarketing is by using a VOIP system. With such systems, you use the Internet to route inbound and outbound calls. That saves companies lots of money compared to getting a traditional PBX installed.

Other things you will need include computers with the right software installed on them. Plus, desks and ergonomic chairs for each employee to use.


When your staff contacts people, you must ensure they do so in a way that is compliant with the law. It’s important that you follow all legal obligations. Otherwise, you could end up getting sued for anything up to a six or seven-figure sum!

Are you planning to sell a service over the phone? If so, you should also use a third party verification company. It’s a legal requirement if people agree to legal contracts without signing any documents.

The way that they work is simple. A third person (the other company) speaks to your new customer while you’re on the line. They make sure that the client understands what they agree to. It’s also possible to automate that side of the call.

Call Planning

Last, but not least, you need to plan your outbound calls. For instance, there’s no point trying to phone someone at 2 am as they will most likely be asleep!

Plan your calls to times when they are most likely available to answer them. For example, residential customers will usually be at home between 5 pm and 9 pm.

Good luck!

Staff Writer; Latasha Jones

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