(Akiit.com) Those of sufficient age in America are aware that this election cycle is setting all manner of precedents. On the Democrat side, we have the first woman candidate for president, one who pretty much has a lock on that party’s nomination; her only real rival was an avowed communist, but one with a healthy following of cheering Epsilons who held the paradoxical belief that more socialism, not less, would ameliorate the damage done by decades of encroaching socialism. Both of these factors certainly meet the requirement for precedent-setting.
On the Republican side, we have the billionaire real-estate mogul and media icon with legendary hair and a New York accent: Donald Trump, the political outsider who officially clinched the Republican nomination for president on Tuesday. For purposes of this discussion, we will dispense with the myriad reasons – some of which may be valid – that many have for maintaining it will be a mighty cold day when they cast a vote for The Donald, as he’s come to be known over the years.
The reason for this confluence of events? Well, what essentially occurred is that the center-right (a majority in America) woke up to the fact that we no longer have a two-party system; we have one party representing the radical left (Democrat), and one stealth progressive party (Republican) that exists only to provide a foil for the former. Both parties stand for advancing international socialism – the only argument between them being how quickly we will get there.
And as we can see, Americans don’t much care for this arrangement.
When I recognized this awakening (which is occurring to varying degrees across the Western world) for what it was, I also realized the importance of Americans understanding why the Donald Trump phenomenon came about, and how we might capitalize on it should he win the presidency. I believe this is at least as important as Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in the general election, assuming the two do face off in November.
Enter WND’s Ilana Mercer, a paleolibertarian (or classical liberal) columnist and author of the new book, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed.” For the uninitiated: Creative Destruction is a term most familiar to business students and economists; it was coined by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942, and refers to the process of economic growth spurred by radical innovation that displaces (destroys) established paradigms, products and even entire industries by giving rise to ones that are more efficient, effective or desirable with regard to end users. The demise of the buggy whip and typewriter markets could be seen as having been casualties of Creative Destruction.
Thus, Mercer’s reference to Creative Destruction is an apt analogue – or at least a potential one – for the opportunity America now has with the political ascendency of Donald Trump. For example: As I’ve said on occasion, from the outset of his campaign, Trump made the biased and intractable establishment press his “b-tch” in the sense that no matter how much those therein loathed the real-estate mogul and wished to ignore him, they found this impossible. To add insult to injury, all of their tried-and-true efforts to diminish him backfired miserably. The author articulates this process quite a bit less colloquially, of course.
Perhaps it is the scary-smart Mercer’s status as a non-conservative ideologue, or as a non-native to America, that made her uniquely qualified to write this book. As she demonstrated in her last offering, “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa,” she is well familiar with the process of international socialists employing race politics to bring a nation to ruin, a methodology widely cited by the Donald Trump campaign as being used by leftists vis-à-vis illegal immigration, and more recently pertaining to the resurgence of tensions between blacks and law enforcement in America.
In “The Trump Revolution,” Mercer gets at precisely what I would like people to understand relative to the Trump phenom. “Donald J. Trump is smashing an enmeshed political spoils system to bits,” she intones, and indeed, this system and the necrotizing societal parasites who benefit from it deserve in the moral sense to be smashed, and must be neutralized – at least, if conscientious, freedom-loving Americans along the political continuum wish to preserve the Republic.
With each chapter, Ilana Mercer provides a point-by-point strategy as to how Trump should capitalize on his success if elected, referencing key areas that the ostensible conservative leaders (both politicians and otherwise) have deftly avoided in recent years, primarily because they aren’t really conservatives. Expanded lists of dos and don’ts illustrate that which will aid in making America great again, versus that which will only serve to perpetuate the status quo and the electorate’s dangerously superficial perception, both of which ultimately empower elites in government and their shadowy benefactors.
“The Trump Revolution” is a great read; enlightening, thorough, interspersed with the author’s trademark acerbic wit, and lots of it. Whether or not The Donald gets around to consulting this book when forming his policy, it would behoove all Americans – indeed, all Westerners – to do so, if only from a prudent tactical perspective.
Columnist; Erik Rush
Official website; http://www.erikrush.com
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