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Donald Trump Talks Family, Friends & Foes.

July 21, 2016 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) Thursday night in Cleveland, Ohio Donald Trump will give the most important speech of his campaign, hot off the heels of his wife’s speech mishap. Trump’s speech will be dynamic, energetic and controversial. In his unconventional campaign, Trump has utilized his public relations skills like few if any before him.

Donald Trump’s campaign has been at the edge of calamity for much of the run for President with gaffs about and with women, Muslims, Mexicans and more. He is unapologetic and outspoken and rarely on his heals, yet he is winning the hearts and minds of the American people. He is likely winning their support by saying what his Brian Murnahan -1supporters already say amongst themselves, but are really just to afraid to say to others.

In the speech tonight, I suspect he will recall memories of his brother Fred, his parents and his upbringing along with his children, but I expect him to focus on what the United States citizens are experiencing. Unlike most and despite the fact that he has never been an average American, he seems to be able to relate better to that truck driver, engineer, hunter and sportsman better than his peers.

His speech will focus on how a Donald Trump presidency will make the United States great again!
•    Reducing debt
•    Improving trade agreements
•    Limiting immigration
•    Fixing the Affordable Care Act

In addition, he will shame those who attacked his wife for her speech. He will blast them, call them names. Trump will go after Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and President Barak Obama. Don’t be surprised if he uses his pet nicknames for each. He may even pull out his pet names for his supporters and fellow Republicans. Don’t be surprised to hear him call Little Marco and certainly Ted Cruz, but without the lying descriptor.

While in the past the Presidential acceptance speech can be long and sometimes a little methodical or dull, don’t expect that from Trump. He will be yelling, he will be angry, he will even blast those in his own party who have not already committed to back him for President as he was required to promise. He will have moments where it will look like he has gone off speech with a train-of-thought tirade, but he will come back to his core messages. The speech will be closer to something you saw on “Revenge of the Nerds,” “Animal House” or “The Blues Brothers” than at a political convention of the past.

At the close, Donald will have his wife on stage, his children will join him and I expect “Chariots of Fire” or “We are the Champions” to be blaring as the family waves to the Cleveland crowd and America. He will be cheesy and over the top, just the way his supporters love him.

Columnist; Brian Murnahan

Official website; http://MurnahanPR.com

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