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Corporate Sponsors: Bag The Right One For Your Small Business.

April 13, 2017 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Sports, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comWhen you think of ways of funding a business, all the traditional methods probably spring to mind straight away. These are things like investors, bank loans, and personal loans from friends and family. However, if you think outside the box, you can often find much more lucrative ways of funding a company. And one of them is corporate sponsors.

So, what exactly is a corporate sponsor? It’s when a company pays to sponsor a business. The business then clearly advertises the sponsor company at every event they hold. It’s a great advertising opportunity for one business, and a great way for the other to make some serious cash!

Ready to try and find a corporate sponsor for your small business? Here are some awesome tips that can help you get the right one.

Be Clear About Your Customers And Clients

You need to find a corporate sponsor who will appeal to all your customers and clients. Just look at the Nascar Cup Series as a prime example. They know that their fans always want to be full of energy for each big race, which is why they’ve chosen Monster Energy as their sponsor for the 2017 series. They know that all their fans will really appreciate these energy drinks to keep them going at all of their events. Not only that, though, but the design of all their merchandise now looks really appealing to Nascar fans thanks to the cool energy drink logo!

Take Time To Write A Sponsor Proposal

More often than not, you will have to approach a company and ask them to sponsor you. The only way you are going to attract their attention is by writing a fantastic sponsor proposal. This should include a bit about your company’s story and why you think they are a great match for your business. You should also explain to them the many potential benefits of teaming up together. It’s also a good idea to attach a menu of prices for a few different sponsor deals, then they can take their pick.

Approach The Right Person

Once you have decided on the right company to sponsor you, you need to figure out who the best person in the company is to approach first. If you pick the wrong person, they may simply ignore your emails without passing them on! Ideally, look for someone in the marketing department. Marketing often deal with sponsorship, but in some companies, it could be the responsibility of the personal relations department. If you don’t hear back after a week or so, always follow up.

Make It Brief

It is also important to create a sponsorship proposal that is brief and to the point. If it is too long, the reader will get bored and finish reading before they get to the important bits. And then there is no way they are going to accept a sponsor deal from you!

Finding a great sponsor can definitely take your company further; it’s certainly worth looking into it!

Staff Writer; Doug Jones

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