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What Career Path Should You Take?

October 5, 2017 by  
Filed under Education, Money/Business, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comWhen you are in high school, everyone tells you that you need to study hard, go to college and get a degree in order to be a success in life. However, that’s not always the case at all. There are plenty of different ways you can move into the career path you need, and yes, it might involve studying; but it doesn’t have to involve 3-5 years in a college lecture theatre.

It can be difficult as a teenager and even a young adult to decide what you want to do in life. Being pushed in every which way as a youngster is one of the things which causes you to change your mind and worry about the future. You don’t have to decide on your career path right away if you don’t want to. Wait until it feels right for you.

Ideally, everyone wants to do a job they love. It’s an innate need for us to feel happy and useful in our lives, but it’s finding that one job you love which can prove difficult. To find what you are truly passionate about, there are a few different things you need to consider.

  1. Work Out What Excites You In Life

As said above, we all want to enjoy what we do. We will spend around 70% of our time each week in our job, so of course we want to be able to enjoy the job we do. Although you do need skills and experience in your chosen field in order to succeed, passion is also a crucial factor. It’s a simple fact that people who are passionate about what they do will do a better job.

  1. Recognise Where Your Strengths Lie

If you are struggling to find what you are passionate about, maybe it will be easier to think about what you are good at. If you find that there are a few different things you’d like to do, but you can’t decide which to opt for; decide which one you are best at.

  1. Take a Test

If you are totally stumped and feel like you just can’t get anywhere with making a decision; then take an aptitude test. Most schools and colleges will be able to provide you with a test which analyses your personality and works out the best career path for you. It might tell you that you are empathetic, and therefore should become a medical social worker; or maybe you have an analytical mind and you should take a scientific role. Whatever the test shows you, it might not be exactly what you want but it will provide helpful guidance.

  1. Try an Internship

Taking on an internship is a great option if you aren’t totally reliant on the money it will bring in. Working in the real environment as you learn will help you to really decide whether this is the right thing for you or not. It could lead to a full-time position if you prove yourself talented.

  1. Find a Mentor

There’s nothing better than hearing advice straight from the horse’s mouth, and that is why it is important to get yourself a mentor who is experienced in the field you want to enter. You will learn much faster if you have someone to bounce of and ask for advice, and there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Asking questions will help you retain information for longer than if you simply read the answer from a book.

You may even find that an experienced member of the industry will invite you to shadow them as they work, showing you practically what to do as you learn.

  1. Explore Unconventional Careers

Of course, as you start out your path to a great career, you will be told about the usual suspects: doctor, lawyer, vet, politician, engineer, business owner… However, there are so many careers out there that you will have never considered before. For example, why not become a professional chocolate inspector? Or what about a dog sitter? Just because you’ve only been shown a small spectrum of career possibilities, doesn’t mean that you have to go in that direction.

Freelance work is another type of working which many never even consider as an option. You could be working as a freelance caterer, writer, photographer, or even genealogist. There are plenty of ways you can work at your own pace and in your own setting while building your dream career.

  1. Ask For Advice

If you feel like you are stuck in a rut and you’ll never be able to find your perfect career, just ask for help. If you don’t feel comfortable asking your family, you can ask teachers, friends, or even strangers. If you have a LinkedIn account, you’ll know that you can connect with business professionals all over the world. If you need some help deciding or even advice on how to get started, just ask someone already working in that field.

  1. Decide The Atmosphere You Crave

The perfect career isn’t just about the job and the money, it’s about you. Think about what you personally want out of life. Are you chatty and outgoing, or shy and reserved? Think about the sort of working atmosphere you may be faced with and decide whether it fits you or not.

  1. Make a Career Plan

The question of what do you see yourself doing in 5 years is one which always comes up in interviews, but what do you see yourself doing? Take the time to plan out where you see your life going and how you want to live. This may influence your career decisions to come in-line with the bigger picture.

  1. It’s A Marathon, Not A Sprint

You will be working for at least 40 years of your life. It doesn’t mean that you have to stay in the same job for all of those years; and it certainly doesn’t mean you need to reach the top of the chain within a few years. Take your time, enjoy your job and live your life while you are young.

Staff Writer; James Ross

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