Friday, May 31, 2024

National Foster Care Month; Protecting The Black Community.

May 24, 2018 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Relationships, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( In the late 1980s and early 1990s, our community was under a full-fledged attack. Crack was in our streets, it was in our schools, it was in our parks, it was in our playgrounds, and for some, it was in our homes. The epidemic wasn’t just affecting one part of the community; this impacted […]

Guns, More Guns In School…

May 24, 2018 by  
Filed under Education, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Following the horrific and truly heartbreaking mass shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas last Friday, it is no surprise that gun control advocates and the political left have once again mobilized to advance increased gun control measures. Sadly, this phenomenon is in itself almost a big yawn, in that we’ve heard the […]

NFL & New Anthem Guidelines Shall Solve Nothing.

May 24, 2018 by  
Filed under News, Sports, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( We’re getting close to the time of year when I usually start to anticipate football. The draft is over, training camps are just a couple of months away, and the NHL and NBA postseasons are soon to conclude, leaving only mid-season baseball to fill my sports appetite. Here in North Texas, that means following […]

MS-13 Gangs Terrorize Black Californians.

May 24, 2018 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( President Donald Trump doubled down on calling members of a notorious street gang “animals.” Good for him for not backing down and for shining a light on an outrageous phenomenon, especially in Southern California: Latino gangs that target blacks, whether or not they belong to gangs, for death. Trump, during a roundtable discussion last […]

How Real Estate Is Changing Its Game.

Tweet ( So many people out there work as a real estate broker, or dream to be one, because they see it as a way of living a luxury life. But the chances are, most of them will end up losing their jobs in the near future. This is because artificial intelligence is advancing so much […]

What Your Packaging Tells Your Customers About Your Brand.

May 24, 2018 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( If you have been looking for branding opportunities and would like to make the best impression on your customers, it is important that you focus on the product itself. From product design to packaging and availability, price, and location, you can position your offer on the market in a way that it appeals to […]

How To Get Out of a Fitness Rut.

May 24, 2018 by  
Filed under Health, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( If you’re currently stuck in a fitness rut, where you feel frustrated and perhaps even depressed at the gap between where you are and where you want to be in terms of your level of fitness and physique it can feel like the song by U2 that states: “you gotta get yourself together, you […]

Over 50? Don’t Allow These Health Problems To Encroach On Your Life.

May 23, 2018 by  
Filed under Health, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Fifty is the new forty, or so they say. As people are living longer with a better quality of life, there is less emphasis placed on the two digits that define your age and more on how you feel and your health. If you’re approaching fifty or you have just celebrated the big 5 […]

A Place In The Sun Can Be The Ultimate Income.

May 23, 2018 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( If you are currently exploring different avenues for side hustles and extra income injections, you may want to consider purchasing and setting up a holiday home. With a holiday home, you’ll be able to rent out the property through the biggest seasons of the year and ideally, earn a lot of money without much […]

Trade Deals Must Protect Everything; Intellectual Property Rights, etc…

Tweet ( Donald Trump is now deep into trade negotiations with China and NAFTA 2.0 negotiations with Canada and Mexico. We are strong free traders, but we believe that Trump’s plans to negotiate better trade agreements that reduce trade barriers abroad are right on the mark. He also has to make sure those deals fully protect […]

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