Friday, July 26, 2024

Over 50? Don’t Allow These Health Problems To Encroach On Your Life.

May 23, 2018 by  
Filed under Health, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comFifty is the new forty, or so they say. As people are living longer with a better quality of life, there is less emphasis placed on the two digits that define your age and more on how you feel and your health. If you’re approaching fifty or you have just celebrated the big 5 – 0, now might be a good time to reassess and reflect on your health and your life up until this point. Fifty seems to be the magic number at which doctors suggest you have a full health MOT and become aware of the niggles and issues that may creep up on you now that you are no longer a beacon of youth. Take a look at these health problems that you should be aware of if and when they begin to affect your quality of life.

Your Brain

It’s not uncommon to walk into a room once in a blue moon and totally forget why it is that you went in there in the first place. Memory loss is part of the aging process, but it shouldn’t be a huge problem in your fifties. Thinking about the next decade or two of your life, it is more important than ever to keep your brain active. Challenge yourself to the odd sudoku, watch quiz shows on TV, stay active, take part in problem-solving hobbies, enjoy your work and keep a busy social calendar. Interactions with fellow human beings keep us tolerant, open and our minds thinking. Those individuals who withdraw as they get older tend to struggle more with mental health issues and brain function. Stay active and happy for an optimum mind!

High Blood Pressure

Even if you consider yourself to be as fit as a fiddle, you head to the gym three times a week and eat a balanced diet, you could succumb to high blood pressure. As you age, your blood vessels inevitably lose their elasticity resulting in more pressure on your cardiovascular system. If you smoke, swap the nicotine for e liquid and if you enjoy a tipple now and then, cut back or swap the wine and spirits for lower alcoholic beverages. These steps will aid in reducing your blood pressure and maintaining your heart health.


Even if you are an active individual, sometimes your age can catch up with you. You won’t be able to run marathons in PB times or go to a spin class four times a week forever however much you think you can. Osteoarthritis is a condition that strikes the over forties. Approximately 37% of people over 45 in the USA have been diagnosed with the condition in their knee joint. While you can’t fight genetics, you can limit the impact the condition has on your life. Stay active, walk lots and make sure you lose a few pounds if you’re overweight to ensure your frame isn’t putting undue pressure on your joints.

Hitting the fifty milestone shouldn’t be a depressing time; it should be a moment to savor and be proud of. Keep a closer eye on your health and well being and ensure that you can reach the big 6 – 0 with as much vigor and vitality.

Staff Writer; Carl Brown

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