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3 Ways You Can Make Money On A Motorcycle.

November 6, 2018 by  
Filed under Travel/Leisure, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comMotorcycles have long been a popular choice with motorists, for a number of different reasons – all of which are well worth considering in and of themselves.

However, the lower emissions and greater enjoyment offered by motorcycles are just the tip of the iceberg. Over recent years, motorcycles have also been used for a new purpose: as a vehicle, literally, by which to increase your income. If you’re tempted by the idea, then below, we’ve put together three ways that you can earn money with the help of a two-wheeled machine…

#1 – Working as a courier or delivery driver

Perhaps the most obvious reason that people look for motorcycles on sale with the intention of boosting their income, courier work is a viable choice if you’re looking for a way to make money and also have some fun.

Admittedly, switching to life as a motorcycle courier or delivery driver is more of a side hustle than a full-time career – but the choice is still well worth considering. Firms such as Postmates have popularized this kind of flexible work, so there’s no need for a full-time commitment if you’d prefer to keep things casual.

#2 – Motovlogging

If you’re not sure what motovlogging is, then fear not – you’re far from alone. The best way of explaining the concept is to show rather than tell, so:

This video is just one of literally thousands of motovlogging clips. The idea is incredibly simple: motovloggers ride their motorcycle while wearing a video camera on their helmet. They then upload the footage they capture to YouTube, where they earn money through advertisements and sponsorship.

It may sound like a bizarre idea, but it’s undeniably popular, and could be a fascinating side hustle that is also a huge amount of fun. It’s especially worth noting the fact that the most popular motovlogging videos are of particularly “epic” rides, so you can take incredible day trips for fun and then earn money from the experience, too.

#3 – Working as a mobile mechanic

Thus far we have primarily focused on uses for a motorcycle that make for viable side hustles – though both could be upscaled if you wish, the aforementioned options are unlikely to be sustainable full-time careers.

However, working as a mechanic is a full-time career – and potentially a very lucrative one, too. Mobile motorcycle mechanics have grown in popularity due to the ease of travel motorcycles enjoy, allowing these mechanics to get to breakdowns far quicker than conventional cars and vans. While you will need to train and qualify to pursue this option, if you’d rather spend your working day riding the roads with a toolkit in a pannier rather than sitting behind a desk, this is an idea that’s worth considering.

In conclusion

Motorcycles have long been seen as useful pleasure vehicles and not much more, but the world has shifted, and motorcycles have benefited hugely from the changes that have been brought forth. The options above are all realistic ways of using a motorcycle to earn money; if one in particular appeals, it may well be worth giving it a try.

Staff Writer; Ricky Day

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