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Delve Deep Into The Dollar Potential: What Are The Best Ways To Earn An Extra Income Now?

December 27, 2018 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comIt is not uncommon to find that pretty much everyone we know is struggling in a financial sense. After the stock market crash in 2008, there was an influx of people looking for handouts, and pursuing every possible avenue to get money. This is a knock-on effect we’ve experienced down the line, and while there have been so many people that got back on track, there are still families and professionals who are left in the dust. As a result, we’ve all got a sense of duty to our families, and have an appreciation of the fact that money is a fleeting entity.

It’s something that can be taken out from underneath us. Granted, so many people are struggling now, but nobody is complacent in the fact that they have just the one job. There are many people that have a side hustle or are always looking with one eye to the future for a more lucrative way to earn some cash. And, short of selling your home, what is the best way to earn an extra income now? Let’s have a look.

The Slow-Burning Methods

It’s not much of a surprise that people are tentative when it comes to stocks and shares. It seems that it’s an exclusive club, a club that if you know what you doing, you can make vast sums of money. For the rest of us, it would appear to be an impenetrable market. But the real truth of the situation is that the stocks and shares approach to earning money is something we can all do, it’s just that it’s a real slow-burning affair. Stocks and shares are easy to get involved with, not just because of the numerous apps out there that allow us to invest small amounts without fees, but it gives so many of us the opportunity to learn the ropes without investing real money.

The abundance of practice apps out there that we can get on our phones means that we can dip our toe into the environment without risk. But it’s that disclaimer we worry about- any money invested is at your own risk. The big problem is that we feel ill-equipped to do this, either because we have little money, or because it seems like the stock market is an alien entity. But the real solution to getting a return on your investment is about playing the long game. Stocks and shares can be lucrative, but only over time.

Taking Advantage Of The Internet In All Of Its Forms

All you have to do is type in “make money online” into a search engine, and you’ve got many options. But, do you really know how to take advantage of the internet when it comes to developing an extra income? The big thing you have to ask yourself at the outset is how much you want to make, and how much time you are willing to dedicate? Yes, there are ways for you to earn a side hustle; you could set up a sellers account on Amazon, through the various schemes, including the FBA route, but as there is an abundance of options for you when you type into your search engine, it’s about finding the right one for you. And now, with cryptocurrency in all of its forms, it seems that we don’t necessarily have to put much effort into making money. There are a number crypto exchanges online, with the biggest ones typically being your safest bet (although that’s not always true).

But, if you try buying bitcoin online, you will see that not only is there one form of cryptocurrency, but there are numerous ones. And it’s as wide open as the stock market is. For many people, they believe cryptocurrency to be an untapped market, something that has a lot of potential but with the more popular currencies like bitcoin, the more people delve into this believing it to be a sure thing, the less the return will be.

Following Your Entrepreneurial Passions

We all have dreams of running our own empire which enables us to do what we want to do when we want. As far as earning an extra income is concerned, you can go down the Amazon FBA route, or you can be an “eBay entrepreneur”, but now there are so many people that are getting the taste for the freelance self-employed way of life that they won’t ever go back to full-time employment. Earning an extra income these days is about doing more than the average worker bee would in their 9 to 5 working life. But for anyone out there looking to make an extra income, they have to deliberate whether it’s worth their time. If you work a full-time job, but it’s not earning you enough money, this would force you to try your hand at something that’s for you. And the best way to dip your toe into this world is to try the various freelance contracts out there.

Websites like Freelancer and Guru have an abundance of options for the budding freelancer. But the big mistake so many of us make is that we believe we can earn a generous income by doing this alone. Granted, you can, but it takes a long time to build up to this. Much like the stock market, you’ve got to play the long game. The oft-used statistic of 80% to 90% of businesses failing within the first year has to loom large in your mind. Not to put you off following your passions, but you need to know that if you don’t want to be part of this statistic, you’ve got to put in the time and effort.

Because people are now looking for a quick way to earn a lot of money, we’ve got to be realistic. If you want to see a generous return on investment, you got to put in the time. So many people need a little bit of extra pocket money, others need a generous windfall. You’ve got to look at your lifestyle and your general expenditure at this point, so you have a better idea of what you want to earn. While there are numerous options to earn an extra income now if we are looking with one eye to the future, it’s time to delve deep into the dollar potential.

Staff Writer; Karl Brown

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