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Why Volleyball Is The Perfect Sport For Women.

January 2, 2019 by  
Filed under Sports, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comEveryone appreciates the need for regular exercise in this life. However, finding a form of exercise that you actually enjoy and want to keep up isn’t always easy. Sadly, millions of women overlook one of the best sports on the market. But you can be different, because 2019 is the perfect time to take up volleyball.

Here’s why it’s the perfect sport for you.

It’s Fantastic Physical Exercise

Whether you’re a fitness freak or haven’t stepped foot in a gym for years, your chosen sport should be rewarding. Volleyball relies on great core strength, balance, speed, power, and stamina. You’ll also work all of the major muscle groups without even realizing it. While many exercises can be completed to actively make you a better volleyball player, simply playing the game is enough for many women. Your strength, cardio, and posture should all see major benefits.

It’s Cheap

A lot of people are discouraged from exercise due to the associated costs. Volleyball requires very little investment. The initial outlay includes shoes for volleyball hitters and the right uniform. Following this, though, the only ongoing costs relate to hiring the court. Given that it’s a team sport, you can share the costs with other players. Overall, then, it will work out far cheaper than paying over the odds for personal trainers or exclusive gym memberships. Value for money is vital.

It Offers Community Opportunities

Working out alone in the gym is fine. However, committing yourself to exercise shouldn’t be a chore. Volleyball falls into the category of hobby, not least thanks to the social element of playing a team game. It can bring people together while you can even start a team of your own. The community vibe is a true blessing in an era where we often avoid human interactions. On a separate note, it can encourage you to acquire skills that can serve you well in other life goals.

It’s Reliable

Is there anything more frustrating than preparing yourself for a sporting activity only for it to be rained off? Volleyball is an indoor sport, which means you are no longer at the mercy of the weather gods. Likewise, you only need a court, a net, and a ball. It can be played at any time of the year while it’s easy to explain the rules to new players. The simplicity of the sport is something that adds to the enjoyment, and should not be ignored for a second. In the summer, you can always switch to the beach variant.

It’s Inclusive For All

You only need to look at the NFL to see how the world of sport can still be hit by racial segregations. Meanwhile, women also have to battle against gender inequality. Volleyball is different. Even at the elite level of the US Women’s Team, Rachael Adams and co. are a beacon of empowerment for black women. Moreover, away from gender and race, volleyball is a sport that can be played by wheelchair users too. Volleyball is for everyone, and that’s what makes it so awesome.

Staff Writer; Latasha Moore

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