Friday, July 26, 2024

5 Keys to Creating a Successful Remote Office.

( Many of those who are involved in running businesses are being forced to adapt during this global pandemic. As standardized business protocols are cast aside, we pave the way for a more virtual approach. Over half of Americans are now working from home.

Although these are trying times, adversity provides a lot of opportunity for change. People are finding innovative ways to make money during the pandemic.

Some are realizing that the rigid structure of their business may not be necessary. Perhaps the “old way” of operations comes at a cost, be-it financially, environmentally, or in terms of time. Could face-to-face meetings be done quarterly rather than monthly? Can remote conference calls be the new norm? Is a large office really necessary?

If you find yourself asking these types of questions, it could be time to consider making wholesale changes to your business. Streamlining toward a remote workforce is the answer for many. This doesn’t have to happen immediately, but it can be a goal to work toward. 

If you’ve come to this conclusion, here are 5 keys to consider.

Key 1: Invest in I.T.

Office I.T. teams are criminally underappreciated. Without them, the majority of us would crumble if we happened across a technical issue.

If a tech-savvy member of your work team is willing, you could consider training them up to look after I.T. issues. Setting up a remote office network isn’t easy, but there are some excellent online training courses available, such as this one: These guides can walk you step-by-step through all things I.T. based. 

Alternatively, try outsourcing I.T. to an external company.

Key 2: Virtual Meetings

It’s hard to effectively replace face-to-face meetings. Therefore, regular virtual meetings are vital. Conference calls can save a lot of time, and certain messages are easier to pass along with audio and visuals. 

During quarantine, workers are using video conferencing and team chat software to great effect. Skype, Zoom, and Google Hangouts are perfect tools.

Key 3: Use the Cloud and Share Documents

Cloud-based services can hold documents outlining the new practices and procedures of the remote workforce. Share documents and folders on a daily basis and adopt a cloud-based filing system. 

This will help enforce a standard of organization and structure. It should also prevent documents and e-mails from being “lost”. 

Key 4: Create a Great Remote Office Atmosphere

Office culture simply cannot be overlooked. That includes remote offices! All it takes is a little imagination.

Organize virtual coffee or lunch breaks, host a monthly office quiz, participate in online competitions, or enrol with colleagues in a shared online class. 

Here are a few more ideas if you’re fresh out:

Working from home can become lonely, so it’s crucial to encourage social activities. 

Key 5: Communication

Effective communication is paramount when working remotely. Phone calls, video conferencing, and other real-time communication platforms should be used frequently. 

Management must create a clear and concise policy that informs employees on communication procedures for various scenarios. This should be kept simple. Encourage questions, and never assume.

A team that communicates smoothly and effectively has a great chance of transitioning to a remote office.

Staff Writer; Doug Hall

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