Friday, July 26, 2024

Tips On Dealing With Your Tech Frustrations.

September 16, 2020 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

( Technology: It can be a wonderful thing.

In today’s modern world, technology can make your business easier to run, improve your life at home, and give you a means of entertainment. 

What’s not to love?

Well, as wonderful as technology is, there are times when it can cause frustrations. It might be when you’re at work and your computers shut down, and your hard work is lost with the hardware failure. Or it could be when you have a new piece of software, and you struggle to know how to use it. And it could be when your internet goes down when you’re watching your favorite TV shows on Netflix (probably at a cliffhanger of a moment).

At times such as these, you might curse the technology in your possession, and you might be tempted to give it the boot (rather than a reboot) when you’re frustrated. 

Technology: It can make your blood boil!

Still, there are ways to deal with your tech frustrations.

#1: Take steps to avoid frustrations

A Google search will point you in the right direction to the best products, so commit to research before buying anything, as you might avoid future frustrations if you make wiser purchases. If you are struggling to have the time to put into managing the technology and resources in work, take advantage of it managed services and support and outsource your technology needs. This will allow you to concentrate on your core business needs.   And finally, back up your work. Use cloud storage or a USB device, as this way, you will be less likely to panic if your computers shut down on you.

#2: Turn it off and on again

This old tech standby actually works (sometimes), as computers and smartphones do need rebooting occasionally. A reboot can fix most freezes and slowdown problems, and you can learn more about why here. So, the next time somebody suggests turning your device off and on again, don’t look at them with disdain. It might actually fix your problem, so try it with any of your problem devices (including your broadband router). 

#3: Consult with the experts

You don’t have to handle your technology problems alone. Be it a computer virus that is causing you trouble on your business computer, or a hardware issue that you don’t know how to deal with, remember that there are people who can help. It might be somebody on your team at work or within your family, but if you don’t have any IT whizkids at your side, consult with an IT service. Specialists in home and business technology solutions can easily cure your tech headache, so get in touch with the relevant people in your area. 

#4: Read the manual

There is a tendency for some of us to ignore the instructions we have been given, but we really shouldn’t. If you’re struggling with a new piece of tech, refer to the manual, as you might find the answer. But if you have thrown the manual away, for whatever reason, search online for a digital equivalent, or visit the company webpage, as you might find what you need on there. 

Thanks for reading!

Staff Writer; Carl Short

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