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3 Ways To Ask For Help With Your Addiction Problem.

October 28, 2020 by  
Filed under Health, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

( Many people with an addiction problem fail to ask for help. It might be because they don’t believe they have a problem at all, or it could be because they don’t want to admit their ‘shameful secret’ to others. There are also those people who don’t want to appear weak in front of their friends and family members. 

But here’s the thing. If you do have an addiction, be it to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or anything else besides, you need to admit to yourself that you do have a problem. The longer you remain trapped within addictive cycles, you will hurt your health, your finances, and quite possibly, the people around you too.

Asking for help is the right way to go about overcoming an addiction, so don’t live with it alone. 

Here are some of the ways to ask for help. Use whichever suggestion is useful to you.  

#1: Write an email or a letter

If you can’t talk to people face to face about your addiction, use the written word instead. This can be beneficial anyway, as it gives you the opportunity to think carefully about what you want to say. Send your email or letter to a trusted friend, family member, or even a professional, and wait for their response. Hopefully, you will receive the support you need, be that a listening ear, a word of advice, or recommendations for professional support.

#2: Visit an addiction group

There are community groups set up for people with all kinds of addiction problems, from drugs and alcohol to gambling and sex. By getting along to groups such as these, you will be able to admit publicly to others that you are struggling. You will then benefit from the advice of people going through what you’re experiencing, and you might even be given a mentor to become accountable to. You will also be directed to the relevant place to get professional help, be it a therapist, a doctor, or a treatment center akin to Any Length Retreat for a recovery program. 

#3: Talk to people online

There are many places online that you can turn to for help you with your addiction, including specialist sites that offer help guides, websites of treatment centers, and chat rooms that are set up by individuals or organizations to help others with addiction problems. A Google search will point you to the places you need to be, including those websites where you can anonymously talk to others. Make use of such chat rooms, as you will have no need to worry about sharing your identity. You can talk to others without fear of judgment, and you should be able to benefit from the advice they can give you. 

So, don’t fool yourself into thinking you can manage your addiction alone. If you are still struggling, get help, using the methods we have suggested for finding it. When you have people around you who can help you overcome or safely manage your addiction, you will have the support you need to improve your life, without the risk of any terrible consequences. 

Staff Writer; Paula Brown

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