Saturday, June 1, 2024

Surviving the ‘Black Bernie Madoff’…

March 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Money/Business, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( How a Cleveland entrepreneur lost everything and bounced back after tangling with an infamous con man… How a Cleveland entrepreneur lost everything and bounced back after tangling with an infamous con man. Entrepreneur Phil Davis has experienced his share of ups and downs in his business life, including shuttering his first Cleveland-based venture […]

Michael Jackson’s new music be a thriller for fans?

March 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Entertainment, Music, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( His baby sister said it best via an old Joni Mitchell sample in one of her hits from the late ’90s: “You don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone.” Now, nine months after Michael Jackson’s sudden death at age 50, Sony, his longtime label, is ready to cash in on the music […]

Conservatives use abortion issue to court African-Americans…

March 19, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Recognizing the importance of the African-American vote in recent presidential and congressional elections, conservatives have reverted to an old tactic in an attempt to court our support. It goes like this, take the a limited version of facts, ignore the ones that inconveniently reveal the bigger picture or messy underlying issues; and use […]

Tiger’s aura gone, probably for good…

March 19, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Sports, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( LAS VEGAS (AP) — Oddsmakers didn’t take long to make Tiger Woods the Masters favorite. Even his fellow competitors say they can see him trying on another green jacket. They’re expecting the Tiger of old at Augusta National. That might be because it’s the only Tiger they know. I say he’ll be lucky […]

DietPillComparison – Diet Pills, etc…

March 17, 2010 by  
Filed under News

Tweet ( Well my tarheels won last night… Next up is Mississippi State… Still need to find out if we have another home game… Carmichael was rocking, and helped energize the team… I do need to read over the best diet pills ad a friend placed in the paper… He is looking to help out […]

California police stop proves racial profiling is alive and well…

March 16, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( The throng of angry whites jeered, catcalled, and spat out borderline racial insults at the small group of mostly black protesters. This wasn’t a march against Jim Crow in Montgomery, Birmingham, Jackson, Mississippi, or Cicero, The year wasn’t 1963. The charged racial confrontation happened on March 14, 2010 in the self-billed All-American, mostly […]

Jackson Estate in Record Deal Worth Up to $250M…

March 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Entertainment, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( LOS ANGELES (AP) — The estate of Michael Jackson has landed the late King of Pop the biggest recording deal in history: a $200 million guaranteed contract with Sony Music Entertainment for 10 projects over seven years, according to a person familiar with the deal. The record-breaking contract through 2017 could be worth […]

Michelle Obama Talks Anti-Obesity to Food Giants…

March 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Health, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama has talked to schools and nutrition groups across the country in her effort to reduce childhood obesity. On Tuesday, she will face the food companies that make the snacks and junk food that stuff grocery aisles and school vending machines. Not that the companies mind. The Grocery Manufacturers […]

Single-Minded: So Now We’re Sexual Terrorists?

March 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Health, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( When condoms breed suspicion and fear of herpes lurks behind every other hookup… When fear of herpes lurks behind every other hookup. He yelled, “Helena Andrews has the best p**** in the world!” into the receiver, and the line went dead-leaving the next man on the other end speechless. I didn’t hear about […]

Is the average single black woman really worth just $5?

March 14, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Most of us have already known about the wealth gap along racial and gender lines, but now a very disturbing new study actually puts a bright spotlight on the problem. The new report by the Insight Center for Community Economic Development, formerly the National Economic Development and Law Center (NEDLC) called Lifting as […]

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